An Unforgettable Field Trip to Grant County and the North Ottawa Impoundment

A lot of fascinating bird reports have been pouring out of Grant County which is just a little more than an hour to the northwest.  The biggest news that came last week was a confirmed nesting pair of Black-necked Stilts.  These stilts normally reside in the souther reaches of our country and rarely stray into Minnesota, let alone nest here.  So as people were going to check out this historic find, they were turning up other good birds like Black-crowned Night Herons, Cattle Egrets, and Loggerhead Shrikes.  And just yesterday another southwestern bird popped up within 10 miles of all this action, the White-winged Dove!

Randy invited us to go a field trip to Grant County.  The big attraction for Randy was the White-winged Dove which would have been a new state bird for him.  The dove was just one of many phenomenal birds I was interested in.  Needless to say, we accepted Randy’s offer.  Evan and I were up at 4:30 this morning so we could get up to Grant County to wait at a fellow birder’s feeders for the White-winged Dove to make an appearance.

As we drove we encountered a brutal rainstorm, but we were confident that the forecast of scattered storms would allow us at least some weather-free moments to check on these birds.  Finally we got to the site of the dove which was a farm place down a half-mile long driveway and tucked inside a densely wooded yard. It was not what I expected. I figured we’d be able to park our car and just watch a feeder, but the feeder was on the back side of the house.  The only way to view it was to walk around the house or look through the house’s windows. We decided to creep around the house.  Randy led our silent single-file procession.  Immediately he said, “On the feeder right now.” Wow, that was fast!  The bird then flew up into a tree posing nicely for spectacular views.

White-winged Dove

White-winged Dove

IMG_9015After our lightning-fast, dynamic sighting, we knocked on the door to thank Charlene, the birder and homeowner who made this amazing discovery.  Charlene was the epitomy of Minnesota-nice, offering us coffee and donuts and showing us a plat book and telling us where to find other great birds in the area.  It’s always a pleasure to meet a friendly birder in the field.

Next we were on to the North Ottawa Impoundent, which is a 2 mile by 0.5 mile rectangular pool used to provide flood relief for the Rabbit River, Bois de Sioux River, and Red River.  Before we got there, though, there were many good birds to see, like the abundant Bobolinks.



The North Ottawa Impoundment was an attraction for me because of the reported Black-crowned Night Herons and Cattle Egrets, both of which would be lifers.  When we got to the impoundment, we immediately saw numerous Great Egrets.  We kept hoping one of the white birds would be our nemesis Cattle Egret.  Eventually Randy spied the two Cattle Egrets that had been reported.  Finally!  It was quite a thrill to now gain two life birds from this field trip.

Cattle Egret

Cattle Egret

These egrets were quite shy and did not give many photo opportunities.  The following picture was fun because it clearly shows the size comparison with the Great Egret, and clearly there is no comparison.

Great Egret and Cattle Egrets

Great Egret and Cattle Egrets

Driving around the impoundment was a magical experience.  There were cool birds everywhere.  I guess while I was out of the car trying to photograph these egrets, Randy found an Upland Sandpiper.  Additionally, there were hordes of ducks with other goodies mixed in, like numerous Eared Grebes, a Red-necked Phalarope, and a Wilson’s Phalarope. Taking a short walk allowed us to get good looks at many of these birds.


Ruddy Duck

Ruddy Duck

Eared Grebes

Eared Grebes


IMG_9063As much as we tried we could not turn up a Black-crowned Night Heron.  I guess we can’t win it all, plus there was still more good birding ahead.  Our next stop was the sewage ponds at the city of Herman where two Black-necked Stilts have decided to nest. Because of the work of some dedicated birders who brought this to the city’s attention, the city has agreed to not mow around this pond until the birds are done nesting.  In fact, the townsfolk are pretty excited over the hub-bub at their local sewage ponds.

A nesting bird is easy to find.  It is about the only guarantee there is when it comes to finding a bird.  We were able to see both of the adults today.  It was not a new bird as we saw them in Arizona a couple months ago, but it is a really fun bird that was a treat to see not far down the road from us.

Nesting Black-necked Stilts  at the Herman Sewage Ponds in Grant County

Nesting Black-necked Stilts at the Herman Sewage Ponds in Grant County

You didn’t need any special optics to see these birds well, but an up-close view makes a good sighting even better.

IMG_9093It was fun to see the female sit on the nest which has one confirmed egg.




Black-necked Stilts – a most appropriate name


After the ponds we decided to see if we could find the reported Loggerhead Shrike just north of Herman.  We couldn’t find it on our way to see the Black-necked Stilts.  The second time was the charm, though, as Charlene’s parked vehicle on Hwy. 9 and pointed binoculars alerted us to its presence.  In addition to her own rare yard bird, she was keeping tabs on all these other incredible finds within 10 miles of her home.

It’s always fun to see a shrike, but Loggerheads are rare in Minnesota, so they are extra special.

Loggerhead Shrike

Loggerhead Shrike

And with that last sighting, it was time to head home.  What a phenomenal day of birding it had been. Two life birds, a host of uncommon birds, and great company are tough to beat.  It was one of those big birding days that will stand out for a long time in our memories.  After all, how often will can a birder see a White-winged Dove and a Black-necked Stilt on the same day in Minnesota?

No Lyin’ – Lyon County Has Unique Birds

The other night when my wife and I were on a date she took out her phone for a moment.  I figured it was as good a time as any to do likewise.  No, I wasn’t interested to see who texted me or check on sports scores.  Instead I wanted to check for any intel from the field, bird-wise that is.  Scanning the Minnesota Birding Facebook group posts, I saw one that got me fired up – 5 White-faced Ibises in Lyon County.  Lyon County is where I just was the day before when we got the Ross’s Goose.  I told Melissa that it looked like I’d be heading back to the southwest in the morning.  I put the birding aside and continued on with the date – until I got home.  Then I checked Birding Across America for any other info out of Lyon.  I saw that my Cottonwood reporter was at it again – one Cattle Egret and 36 Smith’s Longspurs at the Cottonwood sewage ponds that evening.  Yep, I was headin’ southwest in the morning.

I brought the kids along.  I knew Evan wouldn’t want to miss a potential 3-lifer day (one of which was an ibis!).  Plus we would be in the neighborhood of Lyon County’s Garvin Park – a campground with a playground so new and enormous that none can compare. With lunch, pillows, blankets, and movies, we were off on an adventure of undetermined length.

When we arrived at Sham Lake I looked for Cattle Egrets but came up empty.  Almost as soon as I pulled in, though, a car pulled up behind me.  I see a young man get out, binoculars in hand, and come up to my window.  Could it be this young fellow whose eBird reports I salivate over?  Sure enough, it was him.  We visited for quite awhile about the unique birds in the area, and he told me the first-hand account of seeing those 16 Cattle Egrets on his way to school a couple days prior.  By the looks of him I figured him to be a college student in his early twenties. As he talked about first waves of the warbler migration and nesting Western Kingbirds, I assumed he was in some sort of biology or naturalist program.  That is, until he told me he stopped by to do a bit of birding before going to prom that afternoon.  I didn’t even know what a warbler was until I was in my thirties. Sheesh.  We didn’t get any Cattle Egrets there, but I got something almost as good – the contact information of this local birding kingpin.  Those kingbirds shall be ours this summer.

After we parted company, the kids and I went to the poop ponds looking for the egret and longspurs.  We struck out.  Now we were 0 for 2 on the morning.  On the way out of town we stopped by both Cottonwood Lake and the slough south of town.  It was good to see that our Ross’s Goose was still hanging on.


The kids were beyond anxious to get to Garvin Park.  But we had to look for our main target first – the White-faced Ibises.  Five of them had been reported at Black Rush WPA just east of Camden State Park on County Road 59.  We drove the road back and forth a half dozen times or more.  I was looking deep in the thick cattail marsh thinking that they were lurking somewhere out of easy viewing.  Nothing.  0/3 now.  It was time to go to the park – the big draw for the kids.  In their world, it must have felt like an eternity until we got there around 12:30.  Good thing we didn’t get there much sooner!

IMG_8153My goodness did those kids play hard and long in the chilly, windy weather.  I was content to let them do so.  Melissa was ill and bed-ridden all day back home, and I figured we’d have a better shot at those ibises on the return trip the closer it got to evening.


Birding at Garvin was limited.  It was way too early for that Cerulean Warbler to be back, but it was nice to see and get some photos of a couple Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers.

Yelloww-bellied Sapsuckeer

Yelloww-bellied Sapsuckeer

This bird will always be a notable one for me.  Two years ago when Evan and I knew nothing about birds – well, he knew a lot more than me – we went on a birding walk with a naturalist at Bearhead Lake State Park.  The first bird our guide pointed out to us was the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker.  It was a rather odd-looking woodpecker with a funny name.  It sounds like an insult you’d hurl at somebody.

IMG_8143It was pretty neat to see him working so hard at his name-sake – sucking sap.

IMG_8152So, the blog post could very well have ended right here since we struck out on all three targets.  Thankfully, though, it doesn’t.

Just at the time we were getting ready to leave the park, I got an update that someone had seen the ibises just now!  We were 15 minutes out.  We hustled on over there and flushed the 5 White-faced Ibises as we drove County Road 59! A lifer and a very cool one at that.

White-faced Ibises

White-faced Ibises

They were actually smaller than I imagined.  These birds were very skittish and would land 50 yards up the road, bobbing and weaving in the cattails and marsh grasses as they went along foraging for food.

IMG_8160IMG_8165We spent a good deal of time driving up and creeping on these birds only to have them flush a short distance and always together as a group of five.


They were very loyal to the ditches along either side of the road.IMG_8191What a life bird this was.  A small colony of them nest in South Dakota, so we do get them as scarce visitors every spring in Minnesota.  I remember thinking last year what a strange bird this was and even more strange that it can be seen in our state.


1 for 3.  Not bad considering this is the bird that pulled us southwest again just two days after our last trip.  We couldn’t go home and not check out the Cottonwood area again. Alas, there still was no Cattle Egret.  I wouldn’t classify it as a nemesis bird yet, but rather just a really annoying bird that was getting under my skin.

There were a few interesting shorebirds at the poop ponds, though.  I’m terrible at shorebird identification, but I knew they were peeps.  I was frustrated because my camera battery had just died, and I couldn’t take photos to ID later.  I did manage to have enough power to get just one image of this bird which we determined to be our Baird’s Sandpiper lifer.  I don’t get too excited about most shorebird lifers because there’s always an element of doubt as to what it is.  It’s not like a Blue-headed Vireo or Scarlet Tanager.  Those ones are easy to tell and worthy of a fist pump.

Baird's Sandpiper

Baird’s Sandpiper

Well, this guy’s pretty cool, I guess – worthy of a suppressed ‘yay’.

It was a good trip.  You can’t complain about a White-faced Ibis lifer coupled with a bonus shorebird lifer.  You can complain about a dead battery, though.  Lyon, we shall be back for more of your treasures with a fully charged camera next time.

From Europe with Love

Dear Evan and Marin,

Right now this blog is not a part of your world, but someday you may find yourself reading through these posts to relive, or in some cases, learn about the adventures and memories we have shared through birding.  That’s one of the reasons why I write the blog.  If you stumble across this letter, I want you to know it’s a story for you, a story about your dad.  More important than the story are the lessons I have learned from the story and want to pass on to you.

This story began on a Friday, a normal school day. Or so I thought.  I had no idea that this day would hold a big surprise.  Now, surprises aren’t always good.  In fact, I’ve had many days with sad and terrible surprises.  But this day would hold one of the good surprises, the really good kind – the kind that deserves to be told.

Let’s start the story with my shoes.  For some reason I put on tennis shoes as I got ready for work.  I never do that.  I always wear dress shoes. I’m not sure why I put on tennis shoes exactly.  Maybe it’s because it was a Friday toward the end of the school year and I was just feeling lazy.  But in hind sight, it turned out to be the right choice.

As I was at work that day, I stole away a moment (or a couple) to check my email for any bird reports. Spring migration is a crazy time of year when anything can happen as far as birds go. It is the season of good surprises.  One of my email checks was a jaw-dropper: EURASIAN WIGEON in WINSTED.  The Eurasian Wigeon is a rare duck that visits North America and a beautiful duck at that.  Twice in the previous week this species had shown up in two different locations in Minnesota. But the distance was always just a little too great for the present circumstances, and the duck never hung on for more than a day.  Winsted, on the other hand, was only a 45 minute drive from work. That’s nothing.

My mind swirled with this news, making it hard to give my full concentration to my work. Instead I was thinking of every way possible to get to Willmar to pick you both up and get back to Winsted.  It was not something I could do after school because of our evening plans.  As the clock ticked, it was becoming more and more clear to me that I just didn’t have the extra hour it would take to pick you up.  I wrestled with this for quite awhile as the pull to go see the duck was getting stronger and the time was getting shorter.

Finally I decided to go for it.  I decided you had a lot more years to see this duck than I did.  After all, Randy has never even seen one, and he has seen the likes of a Vermilion Flycatcher, a Ruff, and a male Harlequin Duck all in our county.  He’s pretty much seen it all.  Not only did I know you had more time, but I also knew there would be a good chance to see one someday in Phoenix.

Making the decision to go still wasn’t easy.  It would mean leaving work early to – see a bird.  It was irrational.  But I work with good people who know my passion for this hobby and who helped me make it happen on short notice. With my “t”s crossed and “i”s dotted, I made some hasty sub plans to take off the last two periods of the day.  It felt strange to be grabbing my coat and heading out the classroom door while kids were coming in and peppering me with questions about where I was going.  By now the kids know I’m crazy when it comes to birds, and it’s all quite normal.  Birding has been great for connecting with students – they always want to know where I go, what I saw, or share a bird sighting they had.  I think, in general, people are fascinated by the passions of others.  It’s engaging and contagious.

Being a teacher I calmly walked down the hallways.  Once I hit that outer door, though, I sprinted for the car. The shoe decision had paid off. My already elevated heart-rate was now a full-on throbbing in my chest from the excitement and exercise.  It felt crazy. It felt exhilarating.  It felt like I was fully-alive.  As I drove I started to think about you guys.  I thought about how I hope you can find something that gives you this same feeling.  Whether that’s a job, a hobby, or people, I want you to feel excited for life and live it to its fullest.  It is way too short to not experience the thrill of living and doing what you love to do.  Find your passion and pursue it.

There really isn’t much to the rest of the story.  I made it to the site of the duck a little quicker than is legal and found other birders there already – other people living their passion on a moment’s notice, people who celebrate and cheer each other on over a common interest.IMG_7943


My heart did sink a bit when I was told an eagle flew over, flushing the ducks just minutes before I got there.  But with persistence, I refound the Eurasian Wigeon for the group and got to see it for the first time.  Evan, I know you were sad when you heard I saw this duck without you, but you didn’t miss much.  It was way out there.


Eurasian Wigeon


Cousins from different continents – Eurasian Wigeon and American Wigeon

I’m hoping that when you read this you will have both seen this beautiful duck for yourselves and at a much closer view.  I can’t wait for the day I get to properly photograph this amazing bird.

My story and lessons don’t just end with the wigeon.  This particular weekend will long stand out in my mind as one of the best, if not the best birding weekend I’ve ever had. (Remember that on Sunday of this same weekend Evan and I saw the Garganey in Wisconsin).  The very next morning (Saturday) I got up early before you were both awake to do some birding at the Atwater sewage ponds.  I can’t say I was looking for anything in particular, but I’ve had such success in finding good birds lately that I am addicted to the search.  It turns out that this particular morning would provide me with yet another incredible find – the Lesser Black-backed Gull, another bird that hails from Europe.


L-R: Two Ring-billed Gulls, two Bonaparte’s Gulls, and the Lesser Black-backed Gull

Not only was this a rare visitor, but none of the birding greats had ever found it in Kandiyohi County before – it was a first record!  Not even Randy, who sits on top with 290 species, or Ron who has been birding for over 50 years and has 285 county species has seen it here.  I am the only one. Sadly, this bird did not stick around for these guys to add to their lists.   So, here’s my lesson in this second story: there is room in this big world for you to leave your mark, to make a difference, or make a contribution.  You matter, and you can do great things despite what’s been done before or what others say.   I figured the birding records were all wrapped up by the big boys, yet I managed to make a small contribution to the history of birding in our area.

Lesser Black-backed Gull

Lesser Black-backed Gull

The final thing I want to leave you with is that all the excitement I had in these stories and all the fun I have birding pales in comparison to the joy and satisfaction I get from being your dad.  Having you guys has helped me realize a little more what it means to live life to the fullest.  And you are my greatest contributions to this world.  I love you, kids.


Chasing the ABA Code-4 Garganey at Crex Meadows Wildlife Area

Any birder reading this probably has shivers running down his or her spine right now just seeing the title of this post.  For non-birders, this post title can simply be translated as “This is a really, really, really, really big deal!”

What’s a Garganey?  What’s ABA Code-4 Mean?  How the heck do you pronounce “Crex” and where is it?  First off, a Garganey is a Eurasian duck that means it normally resides in Europe and Asia.  Yes, Europe and Asia.  It’s true; I looked it up in Evan’s field guide to birds of Europe.  Every now and again, one finds it’s way into North America.  Kaufmann’s Field Guide to Birds of North America calls it a “very rare” visitor.


But it does visit occasionally and sporadically.  Do you see that line in Kaufmann’s entry that it “might show up on any marshy pond, especially in spring”?  That is the best line in any bird book – ever.  That gives anyone living near a marsh or pond the eternal hope that one day, one just might just stumble across this rare, exquisite duck.  That’s good news for us birders on the prairies of Minnesota.  It’s a fact we tuck into the back, deep recesses of our minds as we go out and scan waterfowl every spring.  In fact, this thought came to mind just last week as Steve was headed out birding one evening, and I couldn’t join him. Being always hopeful and having found my own rarities recently, I told him to go find us a Garganey.  He dismissed my green-horned wishful thinking with a bit of sarcasm – all part of good birding fun.

But back to that second question, ABA stands for American Birding Association, and they have a numerical system to indicate just how rare a bird is.  The highest rating given to the most rare birds is ABA – Code 5.  So a Code 4 is a big, big deal.  It’s a drop-everything and go deal. It’s a Wisconsin state record sort of deal.

And pronouncing “Crex”? Well, let’s back up and talk about Friday night first.  Late Friday, a vigilant birder who resides in the Los Angeles area and has birding ties to Minnesota and Wisconsin and monitors both states’ listservs and Facebook groups, made a shocking post on MOU-net – a male Garganey had been found just a few miles across the Minnesota border in Wisconsin at the Crex Meadows Wildlife Area!  Moreover, this was only 2 hours and 45 minutes away.  2 hours and 45 minutes!  I can’t even get to the Sax-Zim Bog that fast.  My mind was spinning and my guts were churning.  Never mind that I was coming down from an adrenaline rush of another successful rarity chase earlier that day that caused me to get a sub and dash out of school early. (That’s a story for another post).  Well, I’ve already done a lot of birding and a lot of irrational birding lately, so I was really wrestling with the thought of dragging the family to Wisconsin to see a once in lifetime bird…a once in a lifetime bird.

I shook it off and instead went birding early Saturday morning at the Atwater sewage ponds before the family was awake.  I wasn’t going to let birding take over my day.  I had to contain the beast. But then I had another incredible discovery that morning of solitude birding that brought the birding adrenaline back with a vengeance (Yet another story to come later).

As I was mopping up the reporting and documentation of my find, the birding landscape was exploding around me bringing in incredible reports.  Not only were people still seeing the Garganey, but now a Cinnamon Teal shows up 45 minutes away, a mile or so from my Uncle Larry’s house!  This was a chase that was the most logical to discard. We had seen a beautiful Cinnamon Teal drake up close in Arizona a month ago.  But, still, the proximity and the combination of being at my Aunt and Uncle’s house was gnawing at me. And it was a Cinnamon Teal.

Now I was fighting the adrenaline of two major life birds in the last two days and the bombardment of continued reports on the Cinnamon Teal and Garganey.  Then my phone rang.  It was Ron Erpelding, one of the state’s premiere birders who just happens to live in our county.  Ron told me that he had asked Joel and Randy if they were interested in going for the Garganey.  Both declined but told him that I had some interest.  Ron asked me if I wanted to go.  One of the state’s top birders asked me to go along to see – the Garganey.  I’ve never been along with Ron before. This had to be the pinnacle moment of my birding hobby.  The planets were aligned for the most incredible adventure I couldn’t have even imagined.

I think Melissa understood that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and gave her blessing for me and Evan join Ron.  And Evan wanted to go.  He was quite upset over the bird I saw without him on Friday.  The decision was made. We would leave Willmar at 6:00 AM on Sunday morning.  The calm sets in once the decision is made.  I was at peace as I got Evan to bed early and started prepping for the next day.  But the peace disappeared when I needed it most – bedtime.  I don’t think I slept more than a fitful hour or so.  The birding events of the past couple days and the possibility of what the next day held were wrecking havoc on my mind and robbing my body of rest.

I think I finally gave up on sleep and got out of bed by 4 AM to get the coffee going, take care of dogs, double-check gear, and go over maps and reports of other good birds at Crex Meadows.  Crex is pronounced like the cereal Chex, by the way.  Even though it’s in a state that has many French roots, it’s not pronounced “Cray.”  We know because we later asked at the visitor center.  Anyhow, I got Evan up by 5:30.  It’s never hard to wake him to go on these epic adventures.  Waking him on school days is another story.

By 6:00 AM we were loaded in Ron’s car and headed to the Badger State.  I think the birding talk started at 6:01 and didn’t really stop until we got home some 12 hours later. Ron has pretty much seen it all and is a treasure-trove of intel and stories.  Even the guy’s car is birdy – about an hour into our trip he turned on the radio for the first time and some program he regularly listens to on WCCO radio was giving bird feeder advice and highlighting recent migrant arrivals around different parts of the state.  Are you kidding me?

The only other sounds besides our bird talk was the incessant, pounding rain the entire trip.  It was an all-day rain.  It was not ideal, but when going after a Garganey, you can’t be too picky.  One thing that began to worry us as we drove was the noticeable lack of ducks anywhere.  Had the ducks moved out with the front?  It wasn’t a good sign, but as Ron said, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” True enough.

By 9:00 AM we made it to Crex Meadows.  It didn’t take long to find the correct spot – a marshy pool at the intersection of two roads.  It didn’t take a map to find it.  We could see the numerous hazard flashers of cars parked in a row on the side of the road as best they could with no shoulder.  That was a good sign.  We pulled in line and didn’t cut to the front.  The pool was still a couple hundred yards away, but we were parallel with a 10 foot wide ditch with about 5 feet of prairie grass separating the road from the water.  Seeing nothing, we wondered what was happening.  Finally we pulled alongside one of the cars and asked if they’d seen it.  The gentleman replied that the Garganey was here and that it was in the ditch right next to the cars!  We couldn’t see it because it was tucked up against the grass on the road side of the ditch.  Boy, were we giddy now.  It would just be a matter of time.  We got back in the line of cars and waited.  The rain was pelting the passenger side window like you wouldn’t believe.  We’d see a duck emerge, roll down the window to check, and roll it back up quickly after seeing a mere Blue-winged Teal or Northern Shoveler.  I bet I repeated this process 20 times.  My legs were drenched.  Ron could at least look out the windshield but at a bad angle through windshield wipers.  Evan was standing and on full-alert in the back.

All of the sudden Ron hollered, “I see it!” with all the excitement of a kid seeing Mickey Mouse at Disney World.  Ron caught a flash of the diagnositc head as it swam along the near side of the channel.  One down and two to go.  Now Evan and I were really straining to see it.  As our hearts thumped a little faster now, Ron was meticulously recording all the details of his 678th life bird with the same care and precision as doctors and nurses recording the details of a baby’s birth. 68 years old and lifer #678.  And this novice birder and his 7 year-old kid were on the verge of seeing it at any moment. Wow.


As Ron wrote, we were watching and watching.  Then it happened!  The duck swam into the channel giving us remarkable views even if it was raining cats and dogs.  It turned out our car was in prime position.  We had the best seats in the house as the bird was 20 feet out my window. Windows down, legs soaked, camera splattered – I didn’t care. I was snapping like crazy hoping for something, anything that would be decent.  But really, we saw the bird and that was incredible in itself.  Pictures were secondary.

Garganey at Crex Meadows!

Garganey at Crex Meadows!


The excitement of everybody was palpable – and insane.



After getting my record shots, I waited for an opportune time to sneak outside with my umbrella where I could somehow do my best with the worst photography conditions possible.  In that time, though, the bird went out of view.  And in a matter of minutes all traces of ducks and birders disappeared.  It happened so fast.  I guess we all got our great looks at the bird and moved on.

We continued to explore Crex Meadows for a bit to hopefully turn up a reported Chestnut-collared Longspur and a Mountain Bluebird. No luck on them, so it was time to head back.  But, Ron is a county lister which means he tries to see as many bird species as possible in all 87 Minnesota counties.  Ron has averaged over 200 birds for each and every one of those counties, tallying a massive 17,000+ county birds.  His Toyota has 216,000 miles and his last car haad 238,000 miles.  Even so, the guy’s got holes to fill.  We spent some time searching for Greater Scaup and Canvasbacks in Chisago County.  I was the navigator and told to get us by some water.  0427141304

We missed on the Scaup and Canvasbacks, but we were delighted to find a concentration of 66 of our state bird, the Common Loon.

Common Loon

Common Loon

It was also good to be able to get out every now and then to stretch and look at birds.

IMG_7997After several more stops, a lot of bird talk, and some very hazardous driving in the Cities in the downpour, we eventually made it home.  I could only be so lucky to see the Garganey again.  It was a bird and a trip of a lifetime. What a pleasure it was to get to know Ron a little better and go on a thrilling Garganey chase.

A Moment of Glory – the Good, the Bad, the Ugly

Disclaimer: The Arizona series has been interrupted by a birding event so big that it might just cause the author to burst if he could not spew his memories and thoughts now. There is nothing Arizona-esque about this post. No cactus. No sand and rocks. Certainly no sunshine.

Birdwatching may seem like a peaceful, passive activity.  I can tell you that it is most definitely not that way for this birder.  The migrating birds appear deceptively serene as they glide through the air and stop by the feeders.  But they are on a tight schedule.  If they were people, you’d catch them watching the clock constantly, waiting for that moment they had to leave for their next stop on their way to wherever they’re final destination is for the spring.  The birders are watching their clocks and calendars too.  We have about a three-week window to find three species of migrating owls – Northern Saw-whet, Long-eared, and Short-eared – and that window just opened.

Yesterday after supper I decided to go to a Wildlife Management Area just a couple miles from the house.  There was a plantation of pines on the slough-dotted prairie – the perfect roosting spot for an owl layover.  I told Melissa I was only going to take a 15 minute walk around this stand of pines, a time-limit she should, and does, know is not realistic.  I asked Evan if he wanted to take a short hike with me before bed.  He declined.  Apparently the iPad had a greater pull this evening.

The Good

I got to the WMA in short order and began my walk toward the pines.  Canada Geese were standing on the ice of a slough, staking their claim for a nesting spot for when or if the ice melts. I saw a few Red-winged Blackbirds and listened to a Great Horned Owl hooting from the nearby farm place.  I was making careful observations of all my sightings because I’ve been doing more and more reports on eBird, a worldwide sightings database that isn’t widely used by Minnesota birders.  I knew no eBirder had ever walked this WMA, so I wanted to begin to tell its story for future birders and scientists.

As I walked a path between a shrubby area on my left and the pines on my right, I saw a chunky bird in the brush in the low light of dusk.  Pulling up the binoculars, I saw it was a migrating Fox Sparrow, an excellent find that already made it a good walk.  These guys are some of the coolest, toughest sparrows I know.  With their grumpy face and two-footed kicking action in the dirt, they are all-in, can-do sparrows with an attitude.  There is nothing half-hearted about them.  Not even a half foot of fresh snow on the ground is keeping them from kicking their way down to the grass for some food.  If Teddy Roosevelt were a bird, he’d be a Fox Sparrow – that’s how robust they are.  But maybe I’m just partial to TR since we share an affinity for Chestnut-sided Warblers.

Fox Sparrow (Archive photo taken during one of last year's April blizzards)

Fox Sparrow (Archive photo taken during one of the two April blizzards last year)

Not long after the Fox Sparrow, I see another chunky-type bird in the brush.  Another Fox Sparrow? No, no, a hundred times no. The binoculars revealed something far, far greater.  Rufous sides, black head and beak, white belly, white spots on the black wings and back.  I could not believe it.  I was staring at a Spotted Towhee, an obvious life bird for me but more importantly, a very rare bird for Minnesota. I had never even seen the locally uncommon Eastern Towhee, let alone the Spotted Towhee from the western United States! My mind was swirling, but I knew I had to get pictures or this green-horned birder would not be believed by anyone.  I fumbled for my camera and fired off a couple quick, horrible shots.  I knew my images proved the identity, so my thinking was thrown into an avalanche of thoughts about what to do next. Do I post it to the listserv from my phone right now? Do I keep chasing this bird to get that killer photo? Do I call my local birding buddies first? Do I run home to get Evan even though he is probably getting ready for bed and race back here to hopefully find it?  What do I do?

The bird was helping me make my decision.  It was in an isolated bush on the prairie and then moved to an isolated Cottonwood tree down by the large slough. Okay, I’ve got it pinned.  Photos can wait until after I get people mobilized. I knew I had to stay with the bird and couldn’t go home.  Certainly this bird was either a life bird, state bird, or county bird for my friends.  I decided to call Steve first.

The Bad

As I was on the phone with Steve, I lost track of the towhee in the lone tree on the prairie.  Argh. I obviously can’t multi-task.  Despite the darkness that was closing in with the setting sun, Steve said he’d come out my way to help me search.  It would be a lifer for him, #300, in fact.

Steve got out there, and we walked around all the brushy places and the wet places in the vicinity of the sighting.  Nothing. No luck.  To add to the dejection, Steve hadn’t worn any rubber boots and ended up getting wet feet in the slough. I felt bad that Steve didn’t see the bird. I felt bad for Steve’s feet. I felt bad that Evan didn’t come out. I felt bad that I didn’t get the photo I wanted.

The Ugly

Here are the shots I got.  No, they won’t win any blue ribbons at the county fair, but they are still cool souvenirs of the best bird I have discovered on my own.

Spotted Towhee

Spotted Towhee



It has always been a goal of mine to find a really good bird on my own and be able to share it with others.  I’ve reported a lot of Snowy Owls to the birding community, but all of them have been reports handed to me by my non-birding friends and coworkers.  I’ve seen a lot of rare birds because of the skill and generosity of other birders.  I’ve always been sort of a birding mooch, not ever much of a contributor. This was my own, bonafide discovery of a rare bird that others would indeed enjoy.  It was only the second time a Spotted Towhee has been reported in Kandiyohi County, and only a handful have ever been reported in Minnesota on eBird.  Despite that others didn’t see it and that I didn’t get superb photos, I was still very excited.

Last night as I was going to bed processing the ups and downs of the sighting, it occured to me that I saw some cribbing near the sight of the towhee that contained corn silage.  Juncos and sparrows were feeding on the kernels all over the ground.  It was a feeding station that the DNR had put out for the wildlife. Then it hit me that the Spotted Towhee, a bird known to frequent feeders when it does visit Minnesota, might be using this as its primary food source.  Maybe it was some freak sighting of a migrant bird. Or maybe it had been there for awhile and will continue to be there.  I went to bed encouraged – for Steve, for Evan, for myself. I would be back the next day after school to check it out.

So that’s what I did, even though a roaring blizzard had just started.  Joel beat me there by ten minutes.  I was puzzled when I pulled into the parking lot and saw him in his car. He got out and said he’d already seen it!  This was a state bird for Joel.  I immediately got ahold of Steve who then bailed out of work to meet us.  While we waited for Steve, Joel and I did not refind it.

Steve got out there shortly, wih rubber boots this time. In fact, he brought them to work just hoping I’d call.  Steve and I explored for upwards of an hour before we finally found it again!  We had great looks at it out in the open in the very bush I first found it in, but the deluge of snowflakes and distance from the bird kept me from getting nice photos.  So for now, I can live with these.  I will certainly be back out there to get that perfect shot and to help Evan get this phenomenal lifer.


Owl About the Family

I have a great wife. Yesterday I received a message in the early afternoon from a fellow birder in Otsego that his Eastern Screech Owl was in his Wood Duck house for the day. I checked in with Steve to find out if he wanted to make the two-hour trip.  When Steve said he wasn’t able to go, I gave up on making the long trek.  But then, without me asking, Melissa said she would be up for a drive and a little adventure. Yes!

Let me give you a little background on this species and this particular owl itself. Obviously because I was willing to travel that far, it was a life bird.  Eastern Screech Owls are fairly common, but because they are strictly nocturnal and small (8 in), they are rarely seen.  Occasionally people see them in the winter when the owls poke their heads out of Wood Duck houses or tree cavities. To put an emphasis on how seldom they are found, the bird we were going to see is the only recorded sighting in Minnesota on eBird this winter.  This particular owl had been seen off and on for the past couple months.  Because it usually pokes its head out just before dark and because it’s not in the box every day, a trip up to Otsego on any other day would be a gamble and a potentially a waste of a trip.  However, when the owl is in the box for the day, it stays.  The property owner said that if, on the rare occasion, it showed itself early in the day, he would let me know so I’d have time to react and get up there. Yesterday was just such a day.

Complicating the decision to travel yesterday was that a student at my school had showed me pictures of an Eastern Screech Owl that had been occupying his Wood Duck house in recent days.  So I’ve been waiting for a call from him too. But like they say, “A bird in the hand…”  Plus, the Otsego screech owl was a gray phase.  The one at my student’s house is a red phase.  I want to see both.

So it was go time.  Though Melissa had changed into her hangout clothes for the afternoon and the kids were finishing a playdate with the neighbor girl, we hustled to get the car loaded for the little trip.  After a busy musical season followed by two kids’ birthdays, Melissa was ready for the kind of nap that only a long car ride can give. In fact, she decided she wasn’t changing out of her flannel pajama shirt that had birds all over it – something I tease her about by calling it her bird smock.  Because it is the center of some ribbing she decided that though she was going on this chase, she wouldn’t change out of it just to be playfully spiteful.  I told her it didn’t bother me, but it was definitely making the blog.  Notice, though, that there are no pictures.  I’m not that dumb.  After all, I’ve got a girl who volunteers to go on bird trips.  How great is that? Plus I value my life.

The trip up was uneventful.  Notable bird sightings included 9 Ring-necked Pheasants (7 hens – a promising sign for the following year), 3 American Robins (Yes – spring!), a Bald Eagle, and a pair of Trumpeter Swans.  We found the house without trouble and were invited in to his house to view the owl since it can only be observed out his backyard patio door.  Both kids wanted to see the owl, so they came in with me.   And it was sticking its head out right away – do you see it?


Do you see the Eastern Screech Owl?

Here’s a better shot.  While I photographed the owl, the kids had more fun looking at this birder’s pet fish and caged birds.It was fun to finally see this owl, even if it didn’t do anything but sleep the whole time.


Sleeping Eastern Screech Owl – Gray Phase


You are seeing most all of the Eastern Screech Owl as its feet are on the lip of the hole.

Since the owl wasn’t doing much and I had gotten the best pictures I could muster, it was time to leave this generous birder who shared his home and owl with us.  It was fun to chat birds a bit and match a name with a face.  The friendliness of many fellow birders never ceases to amaze me.

Being in Otsego, we were just a 10 minute drive from the state’s most famous Snowy Owl, named Ramsey for the town it was discovered in.  This owl has had throngs of people visit it and walk right underneath it while it perches on poles or rooftops.  It has been on the nightly news and is even one of about a dozen Snowy Owls across the country that has been captured and outfitted with a GPS tracker to study the movements of these owls during this historic invasion.  This huge research initiative, called Project Snowstorm, sprang up rapidly in response to this Snowy Owl phenomenon this winter.  You can follow these owls’ movements on interactive maps at  There are actually two Snowy Owls at Ramsey’s location, and we ended up finding Cellie, named for being discovered on a nearby cell tower.  Do you see Cellie?


Cellie – one of two Snowy Owls in Ramsey by US Hwy 10

It was finally an opportunity to get some good Snowy Owl pictures.  Though I have now seen 9 Snowy Owls this season, I’m not completely satisfied with my pictures.  I still wish the sky would have been blue for these, but I’m pretty happy with them.IMG_6761IMG_6771 IMG_6765

 Finally it was time to go.  We grabbed a bite to eat at Denny’s and then got home to put kids to bed.  It was another fun, impromptu bird trip full of owls.  All of these owls have taken some of the sting out of this wretched winter and given our family some fun adventures.  To some extent I will mourn the end of this epic owl season.  Who knows, given the weather and the abundance of Snowies, there may still be more owls to find long into spring.

A Blizzard of Snowy Owls

Anyone in the birding world knows that this has been the year of the Snowy Owl.  An irruption has been taking place all across the northern half of the country, and Minnesota is no exception.  It seems each new day brings a new Snowy Owl sighting.  When I got my lifer on December 3rd, that bird was only the 5th one to show up in our state.  I’ve since lost track of the number of sightings, but it is in the twenties or thirties.

Apparently I’ve been talking about Snowy Owls a lot because Marin has picked up on my interest.  The other day when Evan and I were at Cub Scouts, Marin was watching Sofia the First on Disney Junior when she saw a Snowy Owl on the show and excitedly exclaimed, “Hey! A Snowy Owl! My dad likes them!”  It should be noted that the television show never mentioned the bird species, so this papa’s pretty proud.

Since Evan didn’t get to see the Snowy Owl I did a few weeks ago, I told him that we would chase the next one that was close to us so he could get his lifer.  I was confident it wouldn’t take long.  It turns out that all kinds of owls have been popping up to the north of St. Cloud, which is only an hour-and-a-half away.  Schedules haven’t permitted us to get up there until just recently. Last Thursday Evan was on his 4th day of a sore throat, so we kept him out of school to go get a strep test at the doctor. With a negative test and a kid who was feeling somewhat perky, the kids and I headed up to Sauk Rapids to check out a Snowy Owl that had just been reported the previous evening.   I made a cozy ride for them, complete with pillows, blankets, and a dual-screen DVD player in the back seat.

Marin was excited to see a Snowy Owl too and was very eager to be on this expedition. When we got to St. Cloud, she said, “Dad, when are we going to see the Snowy Owl?”  I then had to explain that we might not see one.  That’s a tough concept for a three-year-old.

We got to the reported site, and the owl was right there as described.  Perhaps the only difference was the exact power pole it was perched on.  I pulled over well away from the owl so as not to spook it.  I snapped some pictures and then drove by it slowly so the kids could watch it.  As we went by, the owl turned its head and followed our movement to which Evan exclaimed, “Dad, he looked at me!”

Snowy Owl - Sauk Rapids, Minnesota

Snowy Owl – Sauk Rapids, Minnesota

Benton Co. Rd. 1 just north of Co. Rd. 29 or about a mile north of Sauk Rapids High School

Benton Co. Rd. 1 just north of Co. Rd. 29 or about a mile north of Sauk Rapids High School

Actually, Evan, this is a “she” and a young one at that as indicated by the heavy black barring.  Shortly after we saw the owl, Evan complained about an earache.  I asked him to hang on a little longer while I drove to another nearby site to see if I could find another owl.  No luck. I was hoping to check out some more sites, but we had to go to Target to get some Tylenol.  After some Tylenol, a bathroom break, and a treat we went back out to this owl for some more photos.  Then it was time to go home.

Despite having a succesful trip and getting both kids their Snowy Owl lifer, I wasn’t satisfied.  There were about a dozen different birds that had been reported in the tri-county area of Stearns, Benton, and Morrison Counties.  I wanted to put up a big number.  Luck would have it that two days later my wife was having some girlfriends over at the house for a get-together and needed us out of the house for a couple hours.  It was the perfect opportunity to head north again.

Once again I made it a fun ride. The kids were in their PJs, we rented some new movies, and we packed in the pillows and blankets.  Mom was happy, kids were happy, and Dad was happy.  Once we got to Royalton, I drove from site to site of reported Snowy Owls from the previous week.  And the result was always the same. Nothing.  This is always a possibility when you chase birds, especially on week-old intel. However, I had just gone by the last site and was heading home when I finally found one perched on a power pole along someone’s driveway just west of Holdingford.  And boy, was it a beauty.

Snowy Owl - Holdingford, Minnesota

Snowy Owl – Holdingford, Minnesota

Co. Rd. 17, 2.5 miles west of Holdingford

Co. Rd. 17, 2.5 miles west of Holdingford



Power poles and telephone poles are the Snowy Owl's favorite perches as they hunt over open country, like their native tundra.

Power poles and telephone poles are the Snowy Owl’s favorite perches as they hunt over open country, like their native tundra.  Watch the pole tops as you drive, but look carefully and drive safely!

It was a rush to see this bird.  Even Evan who has become a little jaded to birding exclaimed, “My second one!”  It was a struggle to point out this bird to Marin, but we eventually got her to see it too.  She sure was mad when she couldn’t see it while we could!

After this it was time to head home.  I found out halfway home that other birders were scouring the same areas we were, and they turned up a whopping 5 Snowy Owls for their efforts! Still, one is always a victory.

Once home, Marin and I had to watch her Sofia the First show so we could see that Snowy Owl together.  As we watched, she turned to me with a big twinkle in her eye and said, “The Snowy Owl part is almost here; are you so excited?!” Yes, Marin, I was. Seeing the cartoon version with her enthusiasm was just as much fun as seeing the real thing.

The Whitewater State Park Trifecta – a Rare Bird, an Old Friend, and a Patch

IMG_4476It is really quite crazy how certain events can unfold and line up to create a birding trip that seemed as if it was destined to happen.  That was the case on this most recent one-night adventure that Evan and I took to yet another state park.  While it may appear we fly out of the driveway and head off to a distant land for any old bird, that simply isn’t true.  If it was, we would be on the road every day because there are a lot of birds in Minnesota that we haven’t yet seen. But I recognized this latest chase as being a very rare opportunity that in all probability would not happen again.

Before I go into the details of the chase, it’s important to build the background for this latest story.  It started 14 years ago at the University of Minnesota-Morris when I met Malcolm – someone who shared my enthusiasm for mathematics and a different sort of birding.  Malcolm and I were both avid waterfowl and upland game hunters who quickly found ourselves sharing a jeep or a canoe as we hunted the birds of the prairie pothole region of western Minnesota.  Though we became roommates, we eventually lost track of each other after college.  That changed this winter when I posted a bird photo to a Facebook birding page asking for identification help.  One of the people who commented was Malcolm!  We reconnected online and mutually discovered we had both gotten into birding in recent years.  It was a fun discovery.

On one of our first bird chases, when we went after the Painted Bunting in Aitkin, I ended up searching for the bunting right alongside some of Malcolm’s birding companions.  As we corresponded about the small world of birding and the sport of chasing, Malcolm planted a seed in my mind when he said there was a Yellow-throated Warbler taking up residence by the Nature Store at Whitewater State Park.  He said if we felt like chasing it, we were welcome to stay at his house which was only a half hour away from there.  At the time, I didn’t know a Yellow-throated Warbler from the dozens of other warblers I hadn’t yet seen.  I think I had only seen a few warblers by that point. I didn’t realize that the Yellow-throated Warbler is a special find in Minnesota; this bird’s range is in the southeastern part of the country.  They are rare strays here.  In fact, this particular bird was a first for Winona County.

As spring and summer rolled on, we had racked up the warblers.  Last time I checked, our warbler list grew from just a few species to 26.  Any regular reader knows that warblers are the birds I enjoy most.  With each new warbler found, the desire for the rare warblers increased – hence the trip to Oberg Mountain for the Black-throated Blue Warbler or the trip to Lyon County for the Cerulean Warbler.  Now I was eyeing up this Yellow-throated Warbler and trying to find a way to justify another bird trip to see it. After all, it was four hours away to Whitewater State Park.  I tempted myself to go on this trip by emailing Malcolm to find out if that bird was even still present. Malcolm responded that he hadn’t checked for over a month, but he showed me how I could query the MOU database to look up other birders’ reports of sightings to find my answer.  I also learned through our correspondence that he was moving to Kansas City in mid-August.  The window for going birding with an old friend was closing fast.  Besides the fact that we had a limited time to meet up with Malcolm, we also had to worry if the bird was still around.  Then, if it was, we had to consider that the warbler would be heading south soon as fall migration starts near the end of summer for this species. I discovered from my queries, though, that this warbler had, in fact, been consistently active all summer.  It was there as recently as July 20.  Many of the reports said it was right in the vicinity of the Nature Store and was singing loudly on territory and easy to find.

So the bird and birder were still there, but could we go?  We’ve traveled a lot this summer and were scheduled for another trip the last week of July to Madeline Island with my family.  At some point I had to start restricting myself.  But then a turn of events made the Whitewater trip more probable.  Marin’s Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease forced us to cancel our trip to Madeline Island.  Now there was a little more freedom with time and money to be able to go after the Yellow-throated Warbler.  After Marin started recovering, I became ill for a couple days.  By this time I was wondering if we were too late for the warbler.  The end of July is getting really late to find them as they typically don’t sing as much on territory since they are busy taking care of their young.  If you can’t hear a bird this time of year, chances are you won’t find it.  But then I got a welcome email from MOU-Net on July 25th in which a person reported that the bird was still there singing loudly.  It was go time.

Not only were we going after a rare warbler for Minnesota and seeing an old friend, but we were headed to another state park.  This means one thing for Evan: a new patch for his ruck sack.  On the day I decided to head off to the southeastern corner of the state, I called Whitewater to find out if they had any camp sites available.  I knew it was an extremely popular park, so I was worried.  It turns out they only had three left out of nearly 70.  Our plan to leave after lunch was moved up to 10:00 AM.  The decision to go was made so fast that I only emailed Malcolm to tell him what we were doing.  I didn’t know if he would be able to join us, but I hoped it worked in his schedule.  En route he replied to me saying he would like to go birding with us and could even help us find some of our secondary targets that were southeastern Minnesota specialties.

Once we got near Rochester, I called the park again – no vacancies! No! I anticipated this, so I went to plan B which was Carley State Park – a non-descript state park 8 miles from Whitewater.  From touring it 10 years ago with Melissa, I knew this place wasn’t somewhere I wanted to camp.  Because that’s all it is, a place to camp.  There is nothing special about the park unless you want to play Bocce Ball or Croquet on its one picnic ground area. Whether we liked it or not, we had to race to get there because Carley only had four sites open.  Thankfully there were a couple still open by the time we arrived.

IMG_4522This created a patch dilemma since our rule is that we have to spend the night at a park for Evan to earn that park’s patch.  I was hoping it would be the Whitewater patch since that’s where our target bird was.  I consulted Melissa, and we concurred.  We’d override our rule and make it a two-patch trip.  After all, Whitewater was where we were birding, and I know we will go back and camp there someday. The beauty of these bluff lands is amazing.  The park is nestled at the bottom of the Whitewater River valley surrounded by very large bluffs or mini-mountains. The Whitewater River runs right through the campground and has the feel of a mountain stream – complete with ice-cold, crystal-clear water and rainbow trout. You’ll forget you’re in Minnesota if you ever visit.


Once camp was set up, we went to Whitewater to check things out.  We listened for the Yellow-throated Warbler at the Nature Store.  Nothing.  I was secretly hoping to check it off right away to take the pressure off.  Well, morning is the best time to find any bird, so hope was not lost even if it was diminished a bit.  We went back to Carley to have supper, work on Evan’s Park Naturalist workbook (something that when completed earns him a patch from the Minnesota State Parks system), play some cards, and go to bed.

We woke up early to get over to the Nature Store parking lot before our meeting time of 7 AM with Malcolm.  I was hoping we’d hear our bird while we waited for Malcolm.  Nothing again. Were we too late?  Did the recent drop in daily temps force this southern bird to leave early?

Malcolm showed up on time, and it was a lot of fun to reconnect and visit while we looked for this target bird.  After spending some time in the parking lot, we ambled over to the adjacent picnic grounds toward the river.  There was still no sign of the bird.  It was now becoming worrisome.  After nearly an hour we decided to go after another warbler that Evan and I needed that was a reliable find at this park – the Louisiana Waterthrush.  We hiked along a trail that had us go next to and criss-cross the Whitewater River which was more like a small creek the further upstream we went.


As Malcolm and I discussed careers, life, and birds, Evan would run ahead looking for trout in the stream and occasionally throw rocks.  It was a pretty relaxed walk even though we were after a specific bird.  We never did find our secondary target, though. Now we had struck out on two birds.

It was now time to head back to the parking lot to make another check for the Yellow-throated Warbler.  Again there was no song.  Malcolm said that when it sings it can be heard from a fair distance.  In other words, if it was there we should hear it.  We continued our visit as we waited and watched.  At one point I consulted the latest MOU-posting from two days ago and picked up on a detail I missed.  It said the bird was found around the parking lot and througout the adjacent picnic grounds.  We hadn’t searched the picnic grounds much at all.  It was worth a shot.

We headed that way, but Evan needed something back at the car.  He and I went back while Malcolm searched.  After that errand, we went to rejoin Malcolm.  Evan was more interested in listening to Justin Bieber than listening for our bird.

IMG_4479I no sooner took this photo then heard Malcolm holler my name.  I could tell by the sound of his voice that he finally found it.  Evan and I began to jog his way.  Malcolm had, in fact, found the bird in a small white pine near the highway.  Though he’s seen this bird before, he got his best view of it on a low branch.  It normally hangs out in the tops of tall, tall white pines.  It was a good thing we had Malcolm to guide us; otherwise we probably would have never located the bird.

After a little bit of searching, we finally got our eyes on it too.  The flash of that brilliant yellow throat was exhilarating.  Now it was time to work on getting a good photo – something that clinches a target bird for me.  As we watched and chased the bird from tree to tree, we saw that there were other warblers with it.  Malcolm quickly got excited because it appeared they were juveniles with the parents.  Up to this point, this male Yellow-throated Warbler was the only one observed.  It alone was a record for the county, so a breeding pair would be big news.

Now we were keeping close track of these birds for different reasons.  I wanted my picture, and Malcolm wanted proof that these were juveniles.  We got many good views of the birds, and I was able to get some photos of the male.


Here is a picture of one of the juveniles we saw.

IMG_4497As we chased the Yellow-throated Warbler family around the picnic grounds, other birders started to join our ranks.  Apparently they, too, wanted to view this special visitor before it was too late. It’s kind of funny because the faces are unfamiliar, but the names are not.  Through our online birding, we frequently meet birders that we’ve heard of before.


Here is a picture of a funny moment that occurred while Malcolm sought his evidence. Malcolm excitedly claimed to hear a second male Yellow-throated Warbler and pointed in the direction of the sound.  But it was not a bird.  It turned out to be Evan playing the bird’s song on his iPod.

IMG_4490This was a monumental lifer, and now our trip had been made complete.  All the birders there that morning got to see this cool warbler. Everything afterward was a bit more relaxed.  There was more conversation among the birders, and we all just continued to watch this family of birds.  I’m not sure what kind of conversations Evan had while I was taking pictures, but one guy told me how impressed he was with Evan’s bird knowledge and another one politely ate a lone Pringle chip that Evan offered him. Here Malcolm is quizzing Evan about some other bird.

IMG_4516With a lighter mood all around, we decided to make one more try for that Louisiana Waterthrush.  We didn’t end up finding it this time either, but it was nice to have more time to hang out and visit.  Finally, though, it was time to part company with Malcolm.  It was a phenomenal trip.  Evan’s trip was made by getting two state park patches for his ruck sack.  Mine was made by getting a chance to bird with a friend I hadn’t seen in over a decade.  Seeing the target bird was the icing on the cake for both of us.

Camden State Park and a Cerulean Warbler

IMG_4383I am fascinated with the warbler family of birds.  They are birds that burst with color, and there are over four dozen species in the United States.  We have well over half of those in Minnesota.  One warbler that’s been on my wish list is the Cerulean Warbler.  The Cerulean is a pretty blue-backed bird with a white belly and throat and a black necklace.  Besides being visually stunning, this bird is scarce in its known range and is said to be DECLINING.  Sadly, as I read through descriptions in the field guide, there are many species of birds that are in decline, threatened, or endangered.  Needless to say, seeing a Cerulean Warbler would be an outstanding find. Interestingly enough, as I wrote this story, KARE 11 did a feature news story on the decline of another warbler who resides in Minnesota – the Golden-winged Warbler – and how conservation of this and other species can be best be achieved through international partnerships because of the distances that these birds migrate.  To see this story which features one of my photographs, click here.  Through birding I am beginning to understand how delicate our ecosystem can be and that international activity can help or harm bird populations.

While we were on vacation in northern Minnesota, a Cerulean was found and reported on MOU-net in Lyon County which is a mere hour-and-a-half drive from home.  That’s an easy distance compared to some others we’ve traveled for birds.  My mind was made up.  Once we got back from Up North, Evan and I would make a quick trip to look for this bird.  After all, I was willing to blindly search for one at a different location of similar distance, and now there was a confirmed Cerulean in a known location on multiple days.

As my interest in birds could be modeled with an exponential growth chart, Evan’s would look more like a roller coaster.  Since he can identify well over 200 species of birds, I sometimes forget he is six and likes to do kid things too, like play with friends, ride bike, go swimming, and so on.  Lately he doesn’t have the same zeal as his dad, and his patience for going on long searches is nil.  Knowing this, I wanted to make this adventure something fun for him that wasn’t all about birds.  One thing I knew that would entice him would be a stay at Camden State Park.  Evan loves state parks, even more so now that we buy him the signature patch for each park we stay at.  These patches are then sewn on a nice canvas backpack that Melissa got him.  He loves collecting patches depicting his adventures.  Our rule is that we have to spend a night at a park to get the patch; we can’t just pull into a park office, buy a patch, and leave.  Evan knew what Camden’s patch was since we checked out this park on the way home from our Blue Mounds State Park trip.  It was the bluebird that you see above.  A bird + a patch = one happy kid.


Besides dangling a new patch in front of him, I also told him that since it was just the two of us, we’d tent it.  Evan got really excited about this.  He’s stayed in the two-man tent just once in the back yard, so it was a big deal.

The other day we left our women around 4:00 and were headed southwest to Camden State Park.  We stopped at Subway in Granite Falls to redeem a certificate for a free sub that Evan earned for completing a reading program.  That was a perk for him since he’s wanted to do it for a long time.  We also stopped by a marsh near Cottonwood to check out the birds.  This American White Pelican was begging to have his photo taken.  I was excited about this photo since I finally got to make use of reflection in a photo of a bird on water.

IMG_4362We made it to Camden State Park in short order and stopped at the park office.  I went to talk to the ranger and Evan went straight for the patch.  We then picked out a site in the nearly vacant campground and set up camp.

IMG_4363I always bring Evan’s bike to campgrounds, but this time I drove the van so I could bring mine too.  Being just the two of us, it would be a good opportunity to go for an over-due bike ride.  In fact, that was the first thing we did after setting up camp.  As we drove our bikes down the campground road, I realized how much fun it was to ride a bike and do some non-birding stuff with my son.  I remembered how much fun I had going on bike rides with my family as a kid.  Nevertheless, I still carried my camera.  Just in case. Don’t tell my wife, but I took this next photo while riding my bike.

IMG_4366Doesn’t the cruise down this hill look fun?  It was for a lonnnggg time. But every revolution of the wheels made me realize how stupid this decision was.  I kept asking Evan if he wanted to keep going down since we’d have to come back up.  He said it was fine.  So I listened.  Dumb.  When we finally got to the bottom to turn around, he made it all of twenty feet before hopping off to walk the bike up.  So we had a nice bike ride and walk.  Oh well, it gave us a chance to do some birding, like observing this Indigo Bunting pecking around the railroad tracks.

IMG_4369The reported location of the Cerulean Warbler was not at Camden State Park.  Rather, it was at Garvin Park, a county park and campground about 15 miles away.  It would have been cheaper and more convenient to stay there, but they don’t have a patch.  It is a cool place regardless.

IMG_4380Our plan was to get up at 6:00 AM, head over to Garvin, and then come back later to pack up.  Birds are active early.  That is why I wanted to spend the night so we could be out there right away.

The alarm went off.  I got up.  Evan didn’t.  I figured we probably didn’t have to go that early, so I let him sleep while I went about getting packed up.  I tried Evan again later. Nothing. Then a little later after that.  Nothing.  Finally it was 6:45, and I was practically dragging him from bed.  We got completely packed and loaded and were to Garvin by 7:45.

Once on site, we were looking for the campground host’s campsite because that is where our target had been hanging out.  But we couldn’t find it, so I parked the van and we were just going to walk the campground loop.  I knew I couldn’t expect much birding stamina out of Evan, but the van door literally had just closed when he said he wanted to go.  You’ve got to be kidding.  But after all, he was tired, and we had just driven by this:

IMG_4372I was frustrated that he couldn’t even put in a little bit of time.  Just then a campground worker came by who pointed out where the host’s site was, which had no host.  We walked straight there.  I stared at trees, and Evan wandered to the much smaller playground nearby.  Within minutes I heard the Cerulean Warbler, but I couldn’t locate it.  This didn’t even hold Evan’s attention.  Before long we walked back to the van to get his bike so he could ride around the loop.  Okay, good, he is occupied having fun.  That didn’t last more than one loop, though.  I realized he was tired, so I drove the van to where we were searching, parked it in the shade, reclined the seat, and had him rest.  I continued to stare at treetops in vain since that’s where Ceruleans hang out.  Evan became restless again and wanted to go to the big park pictured above.  I knew it was important to do this, so I agreed to take him there at 9:00.  It was currently 8:40.

So there I was, crunched for time, making my search all the more desperate.  I occupied my time by looking at every moving bird.  I was treated to a Great-crested Flycatcher, numerous Cedar Waxwings, and an Indigo Bunting.  One time I pulled up the binoculars on a bird that looked black-and-white and was hanging out halfway up to the tops of the trees.  A woodpecker? A Black-and-White Warbler perhaps?  Then I saw a faint hint of blue on this bird as it moved about the leaves in the shadows! It was the Cerulean Warbler! I hollered at Evan, who quickly ran out of the van to stand next to me. The best I could do was point out the clump of leaves where I saw it.  He wasn’t able to see it. After that I had to try to get my camera on it which was tough to do.  I spied the bird again for just a flash, which was enough for this quick shot.  The quality isn’t good, but considering the distance and this bird’s rarity and propensity for disappearing, I was very thankful for this one and only photo.IMG_4371We watched for a little longer and listened to its distinctive buzzy song.  Though I could tell where he was, I never saw it again after the photo above.  Evan agreed to let me look until our previously agreed time of 9:00.  Whether we found it again or not, I was thrilled. I thought it would take me years to find this bird.  It seems we’ve already found most of the birds we’ve dreamed about in just our first year of birding.  Maybe my friend Patrick is right – it won’t be long until we’ll have to head to someplace exotic like Costa Rica to find a new, interesting bird.

9:00 came – time to be six again.

IMG_4374IMG_4377I played on the playground too (it was super cool, after all), but a birder is always birding…


I could have gone back to keep searching for hours for the Cerulean to help Evan see it and to try to get that ever-elusive perfect photograph.  But when your birding partner is six, you have to fit the birding into his attention span.  Today it was more than good enough to see this incredible target and get a photo that is very recognizable but not remarkable.  So we left the home of this cool bird to get back to our home where there were more important things for Evan to do, like swimming in the back yard with the neighborhood children.

A Rare Bird Chase – Multiple Targets Acquired

When I got done writing yesterday’s post, I didn’t think it was possible to have another epic day.  But that’s just what happened today.  It all started last night when I saw a posting on MOU-Net that a Lazuli Bunting had been spotted at someone’s feeders in Hutchinson.  This is a gorgeous blue and rust-colored bird that resides in the western part of the country.  It is a rare stray to Minnesota.  One had showed up a couple weeks ago in the Cities, and I was tempted to chase that one.  However, I figured that we’d see one someday when we took a road trip out west.  The Cities is a two-hour trip, and the sighting was during the work week.  It just wouldn’t have worked.  Hutchinson was only a 45-minute trip, though, and it was the weekend.  Pete, the person who posted the sighting of the Hutch bird, said he’d provide updates the next day if it was still there. Melissa and I decided that this was another bird worth chasing.

This morning around 8:00 I saw a posting that said it was back at 7:30!  While we were tempted to skip church and chase this bird, we decided to wait until after church.  I was fairly calm and confident that since the bird showed this morning that it would probably be around periodically throughout the day.  In the meantime, though, I watched out our windows.  The oriole activity has been nuts.  A couple of them looked a little different.  It turns out we had female and first-year male Orchard Orioles at the feeder!  A life bird!  I was hoping we’d get to see the mature male to clinch this one, but for now this guy will do.


As I watched our yard birds, I was pleasantly surprised to see a lifer from yesterday make an appearance and partake of our oranges – the Tennessee Warbler.  This was a real treat because we have not really had any warbler activity in our yard.  IMG_3487One of the birds that amused me this morning was a House Sparrow who thinks he’s a finch.  This sparrow has learned to cling to the finch feeder, even hanging upside-down. House Finches don’t get any love in the birding community or general population, so I went to grab my camera to show this guy off.  As I walked to the window, I looked out and froze.  This is who I saw.


The Indigo Bunting!!  Not only was this a life bird, but it was a major target bird for the summer of 2013!  I couldn’t believe it – the male Scarlet Tanager and now this guy in less than 24 hours in our yard!  I snapped a quick picture and then calmly said, “Evan, walk – don’t run; we have the Indigo Bunting.”  Everybody came out for this one.  Even non-birding Melissa knew of this bird and had to see it.  She even asked to see my pics on the LCD right away.

It was just a general buffet of color around our yard this morning.  The American Goldfinches and Baltimore Orioles are thick lately.  Here I caught one of each in the same shot.
IMG_3492We finally went to church, and I tried to not think about what emails were waiting in my pocket.  Once we got to the car after church, I checked for updates on the Lazuli.  Nothing new.  Oh boy.  So I called Pete.  He said it was showing well until about 10:00.  Then it was absent until about noon when it only appeared for a minute or two.  That was enough information to make this mission a go.

We stopped and ate some lunch in Willmar before heading southeast to Hutch.  Once there we had to make a potty-stop for Marin.  This potty-training business is really starting to handicap our birding. Minutes felt like hours.

We finally made it to the house which we found with no problem.  When you chase a rare bird, you don’t really have to know the exact address.  Just look for the small flock of people with binoculars.  We quickly hustled across the street to join them – three sets of binoculars pointed up looked promising.

Lazuli Sighting

It turns out these two fellows (the homeowner is nearest the door) from Lonsdale had been watching the feeders from inside the house but had not had any luck.  They were watching warblers out front when we arrived.  The one they were currently viewing was a big target for me and a life bird for both of us – the Cape-May Warbler.

IMG_3520It was such a fantastic bird.  Here’s another shot to show it off some more.

IMG_3519The two gentlemen decided to walk around the block looking for the Lazuli Bunting.  Pete invited Evan and I to come inside to watch for it from the best vantage point, his dining-room window.  Pete was a gracious host who watched with us and visited about birding and teaching.  Undoubtedly he’s had several strangers stop by during the day and welcomed them.  I love how birders are a friendly bunch who help each other out and want others to share in the joy of a cool bird.

We watched and watched.  It was dead.  Not a single bird of any sort was showing. After nearly twenty minutes, the activity finally started to pick up.  A goldfinch here, a few Pine Siskins there, and some squirrels gave us something to look at.  The best bird to hold our attention while we waited was the Ovenbird.  We got to see his beautifully striped head as we looked down at him while he bobbed alongside the house in the flower garden going from hosta to hosta.  Pete went about his business while we watched and fielded calls from other birders. We had been there for nearly 45 minutes when it happened.

“Dad, I just saw the Lazuli fly into that tree!”  I didn’t see anything, but I’ve learned to trust my son when it comes to birds.  I looked at the bird to which he was pointing and quickly pulled up the binoculars.  It was, in fact, the Lazuli!!!  I snapped off a few quick pictures.  The quality isn’t the best since I was shooting through glass at an angle and was fighting with a camera that wanted to focus on leaves.  I got one decent shot which at least shows off how magnificent this bird is.

While we were watching, I heard Pete on the phone with another birder say, “Hold on, I have a sharp-eyed six-year old who just found it.” I didn’t have much of an opportunity to photograph it as it flew away moments later.  It was not on the ground feeding where it had been seen all morning and last night.  Without Evan, we probably would have missed it.

Minutes later, the Lonsdale birders came into the house.  One of them had seen it from standing outside.  They watched for awhile and then decided to canvass the block again. We waited for Pete to finish up his phone conversation so we could thank him and say good-bye.  It was a Minnesota birders good-bye as we had to show each other pictures of the bunting and pictures of leucistic birds we’d each seen.  Then as he walked us out, he pointed out another life bird that was flying high, the Chimney Swift, and told us how they live in his chimney.

It was finally time to drive again.  I called up my cousin Brett who lives in town to see if we could drop by for a visit.  We had a fun time with them and got to watch our daughter be a show-off with all her dance “moves.”  But the birding was far from done for the day, so it was time to go.

Our next stop was a home about 5 miles southwest of Hutch where a Great-tailed Grackle had been consistently seen in someone’s yard for a couple weeks.  This is another bird that is north of its normal range.  Pete had made the report on this bird too and told us that the homeowners were fine with people parking in their driveway and walking around their yard.  So we did just that.  Unfortunately we were not able to come up with the grackle.  Maybe we’ll see it in two weeks when we have to head back to Hutch for my cousin’s daughter’s graduation party.

We were homeward bound now and flying high on birding adrenaline.  At least two of us were anyway.  As we got close to our house, Melissa was on the phone with her mother telling about all the phenomenal birding today.  I was impressed that Melissa not only knew how many lifers we got today, but that she also knew their names.  Just as we approached the one-mile mark from our house, I spotted an LBB that was a candidate for a life bird.  I whipped the van around and drove back.  We found it again with no problem.  Sure enough, it was a life bird – the Vesper Sparrow.


We are now 2 for 3 on our chasing trips.  Six lifers today – and some real lookers at that.  Today was a birding day that we won’t forget. It was even more special that we got to enjoy it as a family.  Meeting nice new people and visiting with family was an added bonus.  Oh, and that finch-like House Sparrow?  Here he is.
