Scouting and Spartan-Training with a Healthy Side of Birding

There was much rejoicing in the neighborhood this weekend – I finally made it up on to the roof to take down the Christmas lights.  Though I would have rather been birding on this gorgeous day, June was fast approaching and I was getting dangerously close to leaving them up and boasting about how prepared I was for next Christmas.  It turns out, though, that birding from the roof was pretty good.  Two male American Goldfinches in the midst of a dogfight nearly crashed into my face, and later I had a stunning bird pull a “Maverick” as it buzzed the tower at eye-level.  The burnt orange and glossy black were unmistakable – no binoculars were needed to see this was an adult male Orchard Oriole!  I’ve only seen a flash of one before, and we had an immature male at the feeder once last year.  The kids were playing outside, so I hollered for Evan to get my camera out of the car while I kept an eye on the bird.  It probably would have been faster for me to go myself, but after some communication misfires, two trips to the vehicle, losing the bird, and refinding the bird, I finally got a picture of this scarce oriole.  The shot was from a long way off, and the bird was gone before I could get more.


Adult male Orchard Oriole

The Orchard Oriole wasn’t the only yard-bird excitement this weekend.  As Evan and I were getting ready to go on a Cub Scout camping outing, I was trying to grab a photo of a new yard bird, the Nashville Warbler.  This isn’t an exciting warbler, but any bird takes on a new level of importance when it visits your yard for the first time, especially a warbler.  Since we aren’t near water and don’t have many mature trees here, we rarely get warblers in the yard.

Nashville Warbler

Nashville Warbler

As I was maneuvering to photograph this warbler and holding up the camping weekend, another new yard-bird warbler popped in front of my face, the Black-and-White Warbler!

Black-and-White Warbler

Black-and-White Warbler

IMG_8563And then I noticed a third warbler, the Yellow-rumped!  Though none of these warblers were terribly exciting, it was a thrill to have them invade our very own trees.  I wondered what else was with this mini warbler wave, but we had to get to scout camp.

Scout camp was a lot of fun made even more so because Evan and I opted to spend the night back at home instead of huddling in a tent for an overnight low of 37°. We participated in the activities Friday evening, went home, and then drove back for the activities Saturday morning.  I should point out that we also never missed a meal with the scouts.  Priorities.

The location of camp was on 600 acres of beatifully wooded private land complete with two private lakes.  There were birds galore.  One of the predominant species was the Wood Duck.  I visited with one of the other scout dads who helps maintain the Wood Duck boxes on the property, and he told me there were about 100 boxes and that 85% of them were occupied this spring!

I didn’t photograph any of the Woodies, though, and instead picked out a couple species that have evaded my photography efforts, like the ground-skulking Palm Warbler.

Palm Warbler

Palm Warbler


Warblers are tough to photograph, and I’m deciding that ground-skulking warblers may pose just as much of a challenge as the ones that flit about the treetops.  It’s a good thing there are birds that pose, like this Veery.



While I practiced bird photography, Evan was working on much more manly skills.




Though I took the picture above, I had taken Evan out earlier for a canoe ride. We were both thrilled to have four species of swallows buzzing right by our heads as they fed above the surface of the water.  It got me thinking that I should dig out my canoe from behind the shed and do some birding with it.  It’s a totally new perspective.

On Saturday at scout camp we headed to Sibley State Park for some geocaching.  It was a mediocre experience considering we were in a group of about  12 people, over half of which were not scouts.  I did get my Gray-cheeked Thrush lifer, but out of hesitation that I might actually be seeing a Swainson’s Thrush and that I was the only binocular-toting bird-nerd in the crowd, I opted not to draw more attention to myself by photographing the bird or pointing it out to Evan.  I later regretted both decisions.

The “cache” that we located was quite appropriate – a bird card with the Yellow-throated Warbler.  The very first pair of nesting Yellow-throated Warblers in Minnesota occurred at our very own Sibley State Park and were discovered by our friend, Randy.


We saw some good birds at Sibley – Brown Thrasher, Yellow Warblers, Blackpoll Warbler, Golden-winged Warbler, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, and quite possibly a Red-shouldered Hawk.

After scout weekend, Evan and I did our daily check of Bergquist Wildlife Area – a spot that can be walked in ten minutes if there are no birds.  This time of year, with the birds changing daily, it takes a good hour to explore.

This particular day, Blackpoll Warblers seemed to be stealing the show.

Blackpoll Warbler

Blackpoll Warbler



While I strained my neck looking at warblers in the treetops, Evan was again working on his warrior skills.



I was smiling like that too when I found one of my favorite warblers of all time – the Blackburnian Warbler who was more than willing to show off his flashy orange throat.

Blackburnian Warbler

Blackburnian Warbler

IMG_8620I wanted to keep photographing this bird, but it gave me the slip while I was checking on Hercules.

IMG_8626Though not as much fun as playing with dead wood, I photographed a couple of the more common warblers.

Wilson's Warbler

Wilson’s Warbler

Magnolia Warbler

Magnolia Warbler

I was delighted to see that the Cape May pair is still hanging around in the same tree. It is getting very interesting that they are still here after two weeks and that there is a pair.  We are way south of their breeding range.

Cape May Warbler at Bergquist Wildlife Area

Cape May Warbler at Bergquist Wildlife Area

I’m still hoping to find a few last warblers at Bergquist before migration wraps up.  They include Black-throated Green, Bay-breasted, Mourning, and Canada.  Strangely we haven’t seen the ever-abundant Tennessee Warbler yet this year.  I was finally able to catch up with a Northern Parula the other day.  They are always a treat to see even if they aren’t very photogenic.

Northern Parula

Northern Parula

We shall continue the hunt for more migrants for the next couple weeks.  Then we will be putting Evan’s skills to the test as we go out camping this summer and hunting for warblers on territory.  Stay tuned.

The Whitewater State Park Trifecta – a Rare Bird, an Old Friend, and a Patch

IMG_4476It is really quite crazy how certain events can unfold and line up to create a birding trip that seemed as if it was destined to happen.  That was the case on this most recent one-night adventure that Evan and I took to yet another state park.  While it may appear we fly out of the driveway and head off to a distant land for any old bird, that simply isn’t true.  If it was, we would be on the road every day because there are a lot of birds in Minnesota that we haven’t yet seen. But I recognized this latest chase as being a very rare opportunity that in all probability would not happen again.

Before I go into the details of the chase, it’s important to build the background for this latest story.  It started 14 years ago at the University of Minnesota-Morris when I met Malcolm – someone who shared my enthusiasm for mathematics and a different sort of birding.  Malcolm and I were both avid waterfowl and upland game hunters who quickly found ourselves sharing a jeep or a canoe as we hunted the birds of the prairie pothole region of western Minnesota.  Though we became roommates, we eventually lost track of each other after college.  That changed this winter when I posted a bird photo to a Facebook birding page asking for identification help.  One of the people who commented was Malcolm!  We reconnected online and mutually discovered we had both gotten into birding in recent years.  It was a fun discovery.

On one of our first bird chases, when we went after the Painted Bunting in Aitkin, I ended up searching for the bunting right alongside some of Malcolm’s birding companions.  As we corresponded about the small world of birding and the sport of chasing, Malcolm planted a seed in my mind when he said there was a Yellow-throated Warbler taking up residence by the Nature Store at Whitewater State Park.  He said if we felt like chasing it, we were welcome to stay at his house which was only a half hour away from there.  At the time, I didn’t know a Yellow-throated Warbler from the dozens of other warblers I hadn’t yet seen.  I think I had only seen a few warblers by that point. I didn’t realize that the Yellow-throated Warbler is a special find in Minnesota; this bird’s range is in the southeastern part of the country.  They are rare strays here.  In fact, this particular bird was a first for Winona County.

As spring and summer rolled on, we had racked up the warblers.  Last time I checked, our warbler list grew from just a few species to 26.  Any regular reader knows that warblers are the birds I enjoy most.  With each new warbler found, the desire for the rare warblers increased – hence the trip to Oberg Mountain for the Black-throated Blue Warbler or the trip to Lyon County for the Cerulean Warbler.  Now I was eyeing up this Yellow-throated Warbler and trying to find a way to justify another bird trip to see it. After all, it was four hours away to Whitewater State Park.  I tempted myself to go on this trip by emailing Malcolm to find out if that bird was even still present. Malcolm responded that he hadn’t checked for over a month, but he showed me how I could query the MOU database to look up other birders’ reports of sightings to find my answer.  I also learned through our correspondence that he was moving to Kansas City in mid-August.  The window for going birding with an old friend was closing fast.  Besides the fact that we had a limited time to meet up with Malcolm, we also had to worry if the bird was still around.  Then, if it was, we had to consider that the warbler would be heading south soon as fall migration starts near the end of summer for this species. I discovered from my queries, though, that this warbler had, in fact, been consistently active all summer.  It was there as recently as July 20.  Many of the reports said it was right in the vicinity of the Nature Store and was singing loudly on territory and easy to find.

So the bird and birder were still there, but could we go?  We’ve traveled a lot this summer and were scheduled for another trip the last week of July to Madeline Island with my family.  At some point I had to start restricting myself.  But then a turn of events made the Whitewater trip more probable.  Marin’s Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease forced us to cancel our trip to Madeline Island.  Now there was a little more freedom with time and money to be able to go after the Yellow-throated Warbler.  After Marin started recovering, I became ill for a couple days.  By this time I was wondering if we were too late for the warbler.  The end of July is getting really late to find them as they typically don’t sing as much on territory since they are busy taking care of their young.  If you can’t hear a bird this time of year, chances are you won’t find it.  But then I got a welcome email from MOU-Net on July 25th in which a person reported that the bird was still there singing loudly.  It was go time.

Not only were we going after a rare warbler for Minnesota and seeing an old friend, but we were headed to another state park.  This means one thing for Evan: a new patch for his ruck sack.  On the day I decided to head off to the southeastern corner of the state, I called Whitewater to find out if they had any camp sites available.  I knew it was an extremely popular park, so I was worried.  It turns out they only had three left out of nearly 70.  Our plan to leave after lunch was moved up to 10:00 AM.  The decision to go was made so fast that I only emailed Malcolm to tell him what we were doing.  I didn’t know if he would be able to join us, but I hoped it worked in his schedule.  En route he replied to me saying he would like to go birding with us and could even help us find some of our secondary targets that were southeastern Minnesota specialties.

Once we got near Rochester, I called the park again – no vacancies! No! I anticipated this, so I went to plan B which was Carley State Park – a non-descript state park 8 miles from Whitewater.  From touring it 10 years ago with Melissa, I knew this place wasn’t somewhere I wanted to camp.  Because that’s all it is, a place to camp.  There is nothing special about the park unless you want to play Bocce Ball or Croquet on its one picnic ground area. Whether we liked it or not, we had to race to get there because Carley only had four sites open.  Thankfully there were a couple still open by the time we arrived.

IMG_4522This created a patch dilemma since our rule is that we have to spend the night at a park for Evan to earn that park’s patch.  I was hoping it would be the Whitewater patch since that’s where our target bird was.  I consulted Melissa, and we concurred.  We’d override our rule and make it a two-patch trip.  After all, Whitewater was where we were birding, and I know we will go back and camp there someday. The beauty of these bluff lands is amazing.  The park is nestled at the bottom of the Whitewater River valley surrounded by very large bluffs or mini-mountains. The Whitewater River runs right through the campground and has the feel of a mountain stream – complete with ice-cold, crystal-clear water and rainbow trout. You’ll forget you’re in Minnesota if you ever visit.


Once camp was set up, we went to Whitewater to check things out.  We listened for the Yellow-throated Warbler at the Nature Store.  Nothing.  I was secretly hoping to check it off right away to take the pressure off.  Well, morning is the best time to find any bird, so hope was not lost even if it was diminished a bit.  We went back to Carley to have supper, work on Evan’s Park Naturalist workbook (something that when completed earns him a patch from the Minnesota State Parks system), play some cards, and go to bed.

We woke up early to get over to the Nature Store parking lot before our meeting time of 7 AM with Malcolm.  I was hoping we’d hear our bird while we waited for Malcolm.  Nothing again. Were we too late?  Did the recent drop in daily temps force this southern bird to leave early?

Malcolm showed up on time, and it was a lot of fun to reconnect and visit while we looked for this target bird.  After spending some time in the parking lot, we ambled over to the adjacent picnic grounds toward the river.  There was still no sign of the bird.  It was now becoming worrisome.  After nearly an hour we decided to go after another warbler that Evan and I needed that was a reliable find at this park – the Louisiana Waterthrush.  We hiked along a trail that had us go next to and criss-cross the Whitewater River which was more like a small creek the further upstream we went.


As Malcolm and I discussed careers, life, and birds, Evan would run ahead looking for trout in the stream and occasionally throw rocks.  It was a pretty relaxed walk even though we were after a specific bird.  We never did find our secondary target, though. Now we had struck out on two birds.

It was now time to head back to the parking lot to make another check for the Yellow-throated Warbler.  Again there was no song.  Malcolm said that when it sings it can be heard from a fair distance.  In other words, if it was there we should hear it.  We continued our visit as we waited and watched.  At one point I consulted the latest MOU-posting from two days ago and picked up on a detail I missed.  It said the bird was found around the parking lot and througout the adjacent picnic grounds.  We hadn’t searched the picnic grounds much at all.  It was worth a shot.

We headed that way, but Evan needed something back at the car.  He and I went back while Malcolm searched.  After that errand, we went to rejoin Malcolm.  Evan was more interested in listening to Justin Bieber than listening for our bird.

IMG_4479I no sooner took this photo then heard Malcolm holler my name.  I could tell by the sound of his voice that he finally found it.  Evan and I began to jog his way.  Malcolm had, in fact, found the bird in a small white pine near the highway.  Though he’s seen this bird before, he got his best view of it on a low branch.  It normally hangs out in the tops of tall, tall white pines.  It was a good thing we had Malcolm to guide us; otherwise we probably would have never located the bird.

After a little bit of searching, we finally got our eyes on it too.  The flash of that brilliant yellow throat was exhilarating.  Now it was time to work on getting a good photo – something that clinches a target bird for me.  As we watched and chased the bird from tree to tree, we saw that there were other warblers with it.  Malcolm quickly got excited because it appeared they were juveniles with the parents.  Up to this point, this male Yellow-throated Warbler was the only one observed.  It alone was a record for the county, so a breeding pair would be big news.

Now we were keeping close track of these birds for different reasons.  I wanted my picture, and Malcolm wanted proof that these were juveniles.  We got many good views of the birds, and I was able to get some photos of the male.


Here is a picture of one of the juveniles we saw.

IMG_4497As we chased the Yellow-throated Warbler family around the picnic grounds, other birders started to join our ranks.  Apparently they, too, wanted to view this special visitor before it was too late. It’s kind of funny because the faces are unfamiliar, but the names are not.  Through our online birding, we frequently meet birders that we’ve heard of before.


Here is a picture of a funny moment that occurred while Malcolm sought his evidence. Malcolm excitedly claimed to hear a second male Yellow-throated Warbler and pointed in the direction of the sound.  But it was not a bird.  It turned out to be Evan playing the bird’s song on his iPod.

IMG_4490This was a monumental lifer, and now our trip had been made complete.  All the birders there that morning got to see this cool warbler. Everything afterward was a bit more relaxed.  There was more conversation among the birders, and we all just continued to watch this family of birds.  I’m not sure what kind of conversations Evan had while I was taking pictures, but one guy told me how impressed he was with Evan’s bird knowledge and another one politely ate a lone Pringle chip that Evan offered him. Here Malcolm is quizzing Evan about some other bird.

IMG_4516With a lighter mood all around, we decided to make one more try for that Louisiana Waterthrush.  We didn’t end up finding it this time either, but it was nice to have more time to hang out and visit.  Finally, though, it was time to part company with Malcolm.  It was a phenomenal trip.  Evan’s trip was made by getting two state park patches for his ruck sack.  Mine was made by getting a chance to bird with a friend I hadn’t seen in over a decade.  Seeing the target bird was the icing on the cake for both of us.

A Quick Life Bird Before a Swim at Sibley State Park

IMG_4436Having a young family often means that birding takes a back seat to other things or gets rushed when it does happen.  This is a busy time of life.  Thankfully I’ve got good birder friends who can lead me right to a good bird with minimal effort.  Tonight we took advantage of another tip from Joel and got a lifer in a matter of minutes.  Joel has taken the time to create a cool Google map pinpointing locations where he’s seen target species of ours.


Today I took advantage of Joel’s map.  It was a terribly hot day, and our family just spent the day hanging around inside the house.  The heat was part of the reason.  The other part was because Marin has been sick.  Despite having a fever for a second day, she was mostly herself and insisted she was well enough to go swimming at Sibley State Park – something we had talked about doing on this hot day if she was well.  We decided that it wouldn’t hurt her to cool off in the lake for a little bit, so at 7:00 this evening we headed to the lake.

It turns out that just a couple miles north of Sibley State Park is a field that Joel mapped as having numerous Grasshopper Sparrows.  This was a bird we needed.  I never felt like making a special trip for this LBB, but tonight we were going out there anyway.  So before we got to Lake Andrew for a swim, we went to this location indicated by the blue and purple sections on the map above.  Because I trusted Joel that there were lots of these birds and because I had a couple kids who were antsy to swim, I was birding at 40 mph, sending a dust cloud high into the sky.  Even still, we found our target with no problem. Just as Joel said it would be, this bird was “teed up” on a flower singing away.

IMG_4437With lifer #192 for Evan and #201 for me, it was time to go swimming.  It was nice that this bird worked itself into our schedule.  Thanks for the help, Joel.  #200 for Evan will be here before we know it.  Don’t miss your chance to guess the date it will happen and win an awesome field guide. Click here for more details.

Upper Sioux Agency State Park and the Lark Sparrow

IMG_4412I really never had any great desire to go to Upper Sioux Agency State Park near Granite Falls.  I had researched the park a while back when we started camping since it is less than an hour from our house, but I did not think it was really a compelling place to visit. I thought it might be more appropriate to go to it when the kids start to study Minnesota history and learn about Minnesota’s first inhabitants and the Sioux Uprising of 1862.

This past week I was compelled to visit this park since Joel emailed me telling me that he had seen numerous Lark Sparrows all over the park. This may not seem like a big deal, but Minnesota is not even included on range maps for this bird.  Range maps aren’t always definitive, though. I knew that Lark Sparrows occasionally visit Minnesota as sightings are usually posted on MOU-net.  As further evidence that they were unique for Minnesota, Joel also told me he just had seen his second one for our county.  This is a good bird for our state. Besides that, the Lark Sparrow is a sharp-looking bird.  It was definitely on my short list of birds to see, and Upper Sioux Agency State Park was the place to do that. After Joel’s report, I even read in Kim Eckert’s book, A Birder’s Guide to Minnesota, that the area of the Minnesota River Valley near Upper Sioux Agency was the best place in the state to find the Lark Sparrow.

Here you can see on the park’s bird check-list (Each MN state park has one of these), that the classification for a Lark Sparrow in summer is O.  The classifications go like this: C=Common (Easy to find), U=Uncommon (You may have to look for it and know what you’re doing), O=Occasional (It may or may not be present in a given year), and R=Rare  (self-explanatory).  An “O” definitely means it’s a good bid.


A good bird and lots of them all at a new state park meant one thing: Evan and I were going on another quick overnight in the tent.  I picked Evan up from daycare late in the afternoon, and we made the short drive down to the park.  It would have been even shorter had I not had to complete a Craigslist-type transaction for Melissa at Clara City. But we were still there in no time.  As we drove down the Minnesota River Valley on the way, I was reminded just how scenic this valley is. It’s definitely worth taking a drive in this part of the state.  Once at the state park, we first went to drive around the completely vacant campground to pick out a good site before registering.  Along the loop, we found our target!  That was fast.

IMG_4411It was time to register.  We pulled into the park office parking lot and walked up to the office.  I walked, but Evan was running ahead of me because he wanted to get the park’s signature patch – a tradition we have when we stay at a new state park.  We pulled on the door, but it didn’t budge!  The place was locked up without a soul in sight! What was going on?  No campers or park staff were around anywhere.  It was weird.  I had to calm Evan down who was in tears because he couldn’t get a patch.

I realized that maybe this park office has limited hours since it is not a high-use park.  I discovered I was right when I self-registered for camping that night.  It turns out the office wouldn’t be open until the weekend.  I guess we’d have to have them send us a patch.

After making camp, we drove all around the various parts of the park which is split by MN Hwy. 67.  It was too buggy and hot to bird by hiking.  We found more Lark Sparrows at the horse rider’s campground.IMG_4426

I also got a long-overdue picture of a Barn Swallow.

IMG_4421Evan was intrigued by this hay bale and wanted to see how big it was compared to him. This seemed to fascinate him more than the birds.IMG_4422

We got back to camp to make a fire and cook some hot dogs.  We didn’t last long outside with all the mosquitoes, so we headed into the tent to play Kings on the Corner and Go Fish and then read a book before bed.  With the target bird achieved, we were sleeping in the next morning.  As we laid in our tent, we enjoyed watching the fireflies and listening to the hoots of Great Horned Owls.

We didn’t wake up until well past 9:00 the next morning.  We got packed up, had a bite to eat, and pulled out.  I wanted to drive around some park roads again before we went home.  It’s a good thing I did.  I happened to meet a state park worker driving a truck.  I motioned for him to stop and asked him through our driver windows if we could buy a patch from the office.  He said he could do that.  Awesome.

With the target found and the patch in hand, we had a successful trip.  As we continued to drive around the park, we heard a bird song that we recognized from playing it on the iPod just that morning – the Field Sparrow.  This was another life bird for us.  Its classification is “uncommon” for this park in the summer, so it was a good find.  This bird belied its name – we found it at the very top of a 30 ft. tree.

IMG_4433Without recognizing that bird song, we would have had trouble identifying it.  The Field Sparrow is pretty drab, but its pink bill is diagnostic.

It was another good trip.  We got the bird.  We got the patch. We added a bonus lifer. Plus we got to spend a fun night in the tent playing games.  It was a good trip.  By the way, Evan is now at 191 species, and I am at 200.  We are giving away a Kaufman Field Guide to the Birds of North America to whomever guesses the closest date on which Evan gets his #200.  See the previous blog post for details.

Camden State Park and a Cerulean Warbler

IMG_4383I am fascinated with the warbler family of birds.  They are birds that burst with color, and there are over four dozen species in the United States.  We have well over half of those in Minnesota.  One warbler that’s been on my wish list is the Cerulean Warbler.  The Cerulean is a pretty blue-backed bird with a white belly and throat and a black necklace.  Besides being visually stunning, this bird is scarce in its known range and is said to be DECLINING.  Sadly, as I read through descriptions in the field guide, there are many species of birds that are in decline, threatened, or endangered.  Needless to say, seeing a Cerulean Warbler would be an outstanding find. Interestingly enough, as I wrote this story, KARE 11 did a feature news story on the decline of another warbler who resides in Minnesota – the Golden-winged Warbler – and how conservation of this and other species can be best be achieved through international partnerships because of the distances that these birds migrate.  To see this story which features one of my photographs, click here.  Through birding I am beginning to understand how delicate our ecosystem can be and that international activity can help or harm bird populations.

While we were on vacation in northern Minnesota, a Cerulean was found and reported on MOU-net in Lyon County which is a mere hour-and-a-half drive from home.  That’s an easy distance compared to some others we’ve traveled for birds.  My mind was made up.  Once we got back from Up North, Evan and I would make a quick trip to look for this bird.  After all, I was willing to blindly search for one at a different location of similar distance, and now there was a confirmed Cerulean in a known location on multiple days.

As my interest in birds could be modeled with an exponential growth chart, Evan’s would look more like a roller coaster.  Since he can identify well over 200 species of birds, I sometimes forget he is six and likes to do kid things too, like play with friends, ride bike, go swimming, and so on.  Lately he doesn’t have the same zeal as his dad, and his patience for going on long searches is nil.  Knowing this, I wanted to make this adventure something fun for him that wasn’t all about birds.  One thing I knew that would entice him would be a stay at Camden State Park.  Evan loves state parks, even more so now that we buy him the signature patch for each park we stay at.  These patches are then sewn on a nice canvas backpack that Melissa got him.  He loves collecting patches depicting his adventures.  Our rule is that we have to spend a night at a park to get the patch; we can’t just pull into a park office, buy a patch, and leave.  Evan knew what Camden’s patch was since we checked out this park on the way home from our Blue Mounds State Park trip.  It was the bluebird that you see above.  A bird + a patch = one happy kid.


Besides dangling a new patch in front of him, I also told him that since it was just the two of us, we’d tent it.  Evan got really excited about this.  He’s stayed in the two-man tent just once in the back yard, so it was a big deal.

The other day we left our women around 4:00 and were headed southwest to Camden State Park.  We stopped at Subway in Granite Falls to redeem a certificate for a free sub that Evan earned for completing a reading program.  That was a perk for him since he’s wanted to do it for a long time.  We also stopped by a marsh near Cottonwood to check out the birds.  This American White Pelican was begging to have his photo taken.  I was excited about this photo since I finally got to make use of reflection in a photo of a bird on water.

IMG_4362We made it to Camden State Park in short order and stopped at the park office.  I went to talk to the ranger and Evan went straight for the patch.  We then picked out a site in the nearly vacant campground and set up camp.

IMG_4363I always bring Evan’s bike to campgrounds, but this time I drove the van so I could bring mine too.  Being just the two of us, it would be a good opportunity to go for an over-due bike ride.  In fact, that was the first thing we did after setting up camp.  As we drove our bikes down the campground road, I realized how much fun it was to ride a bike and do some non-birding stuff with my son.  I remembered how much fun I had going on bike rides with my family as a kid.  Nevertheless, I still carried my camera.  Just in case. Don’t tell my wife, but I took this next photo while riding my bike.

IMG_4366Doesn’t the cruise down this hill look fun?  It was for a lonnnggg time. But every revolution of the wheels made me realize how stupid this decision was.  I kept asking Evan if he wanted to keep going down since we’d have to come back up.  He said it was fine.  So I listened.  Dumb.  When we finally got to the bottom to turn around, he made it all of twenty feet before hopping off to walk the bike up.  So we had a nice bike ride and walk.  Oh well, it gave us a chance to do some birding, like observing this Indigo Bunting pecking around the railroad tracks.

IMG_4369The reported location of the Cerulean Warbler was not at Camden State Park.  Rather, it was at Garvin Park, a county park and campground about 15 miles away.  It would have been cheaper and more convenient to stay there, but they don’t have a patch.  It is a cool place regardless.

IMG_4380Our plan was to get up at 6:00 AM, head over to Garvin, and then come back later to pack up.  Birds are active early.  That is why I wanted to spend the night so we could be out there right away.

The alarm went off.  I got up.  Evan didn’t.  I figured we probably didn’t have to go that early, so I let him sleep while I went about getting packed up.  I tried Evan again later. Nothing. Then a little later after that.  Nothing.  Finally it was 6:45, and I was practically dragging him from bed.  We got completely packed and loaded and were to Garvin by 7:45.

Once on site, we were looking for the campground host’s campsite because that is where our target had been hanging out.  But we couldn’t find it, so I parked the van and we were just going to walk the campground loop.  I knew I couldn’t expect much birding stamina out of Evan, but the van door literally had just closed when he said he wanted to go.  You’ve got to be kidding.  But after all, he was tired, and we had just driven by this:

IMG_4372I was frustrated that he couldn’t even put in a little bit of time.  Just then a campground worker came by who pointed out where the host’s site was, which had no host.  We walked straight there.  I stared at trees, and Evan wandered to the much smaller playground nearby.  Within minutes I heard the Cerulean Warbler, but I couldn’t locate it.  This didn’t even hold Evan’s attention.  Before long we walked back to the van to get his bike so he could ride around the loop.  Okay, good, he is occupied having fun.  That didn’t last more than one loop, though.  I realized he was tired, so I drove the van to where we were searching, parked it in the shade, reclined the seat, and had him rest.  I continued to stare at treetops in vain since that’s where Ceruleans hang out.  Evan became restless again and wanted to go to the big park pictured above.  I knew it was important to do this, so I agreed to take him there at 9:00.  It was currently 8:40.

So there I was, crunched for time, making my search all the more desperate.  I occupied my time by looking at every moving bird.  I was treated to a Great-crested Flycatcher, numerous Cedar Waxwings, and an Indigo Bunting.  One time I pulled up the binoculars on a bird that looked black-and-white and was hanging out halfway up to the tops of the trees.  A woodpecker? A Black-and-White Warbler perhaps?  Then I saw a faint hint of blue on this bird as it moved about the leaves in the shadows! It was the Cerulean Warbler! I hollered at Evan, who quickly ran out of the van to stand next to me. The best I could do was point out the clump of leaves where I saw it.  He wasn’t able to see it. After that I had to try to get my camera on it which was tough to do.  I spied the bird again for just a flash, which was enough for this quick shot.  The quality isn’t good, but considering the distance and this bird’s rarity and propensity for disappearing, I was very thankful for this one and only photo.IMG_4371We watched for a little longer and listened to its distinctive buzzy song.  Though I could tell where he was, I never saw it again after the photo above.  Evan agreed to let me look until our previously agreed time of 9:00.  Whether we found it again or not, I was thrilled. I thought it would take me years to find this bird.  It seems we’ve already found most of the birds we’ve dreamed about in just our first year of birding.  Maybe my friend Patrick is right – it won’t be long until we’ll have to head to someplace exotic like Costa Rica to find a new, interesting bird.

9:00 came – time to be six again.

IMG_4374IMG_4377I played on the playground too (it was super cool, after all), but a birder is always birding…


I could have gone back to keep searching for hours for the Cerulean to help Evan see it and to try to get that ever-elusive perfect photograph.  But when your birding partner is six, you have to fit the birding into his attention span.  Today it was more than good enough to see this incredible target and get a photo that is very recognizable but not remarkable.  So we left the home of this cool bird to get back to our home where there were more important things for Evan to do, like swimming in the back yard with the neighborhood children.

Up North – Part 1: Temperance River State Park

IMG_4239This was a rare summer because June had nearly expired before we made the trek up north to visit family.  With a prolonged school year, Bible school, and swimming lessons, a trip to God’s country was tough to pull off until just recently.  Besides family and amazing scenery, northern Minnesota is also attractive to us because it is full of incredible birds in the summertime.  Many birds that people only see during migration are summer residents in the north woods.  There were a couple migrants that we missed out on this spring that we were hoping to get while in the northland – the Blue-headed Vireo and the Black-throated Green Warbler.  Ever since Evan and I took a birding walk at Bear Head Lake State Park last year, the Black-throated Green Warbler has been one that we have wanted to find.  Its cool appearance and elusiveness made it all the more attractive.  Any bird that requires four words for its name is a good bird.

While our two target birds could probably be found in our parents’ back yards, there was another target bird that popped up on our radar early this summer along the North Shore of Lake Superior.  We learned that the beautiful Black-throated Blue Warbler can be found consistently at Oberg Mountain near Tofte. My wife and I have always loved going to the North Shore, so we decided to start our Up North trip by camping at Temperance River State Park which is just a few miles away from Oberg Mountain.

I was excited to be back birding in the woods, hunting for warblers. That’s how this hobby began for me a little over a year ago.  When we pulled into Temperance River State Park and got out of the car to register at the office, the woods were alive with all kinds of terrific bird songs that we don’t hear at our home.  After all, 16 species of warblers nest here, whereas we have just a couple species back home.  While I was anxious to start checking out everything with feathers, we had camp to set up.   I did manage to get out a little before dark to preview what might be in store for us the next day.  Right away I came across an American Redstart singing away.  This was a a treat to see one sitting still.  During migration we saw lots, but they were constantly moving.


Then in the distance I heard the Black-throated Green Warbler sing just one time!  I knew the song well because we’d been studying it.  Birding by ear is about the only way to find a specific bird this time of year.  Its song is a buzzy “zoo-zee-zoo-zoo-ZEE!” It was here!  Now we just had to wait until morning to look for it.

I was up the next morning before everyone else, so I walked around the campground just to see if I could find this warbler.  Within a minute of starting my walk, I heard “zoo-zee-zoo-zoo-ZEE!” This persistent singer made him easy to track down.  It was right behind the park office.  After a year of waiting, I finally laid eyes on this great-looking bird.

IMG_4131Because this bird was singing on territory I knew it would be easy to bring Evan back later to find it.  So after letting him sleep in, I brought him out to see this life bird and get some more photos.

IMG_4151 IMG_4150Our trip had barely started and one of the three major targets was done! It turns out that this bird was easier to get than I thought.  There were several different ones throughout the campground.  In fact, we had one at each of the two campsites we occupied in addition to the one at the park office.  Its song was so common and so frequent that even Marin could be heard saying, “Zoo-zee-zoo-zoo-Zee!” One time I asked her if she knew what bird made that sound.  She said she didn’t know, so I told her.  I asked her if she could then repeat it right away.  She responded with, “A Black-throated…ummm….aa…bird!” Close enough, Marin.

The birding was great at Temperance River State Park.  We picked up another life bird, the Veery, a couple campsites away from us.  On one outing out of the park we got our Merlin lifer.  We also saw four species of woodpeckers and had Ruby-crowned Kinglets buzz through our campsite.  And we were constantly serenaded by the beautiful “Oh-sweet-kimberly-kimberly-kimberly” song of the White-throated Sparrow – a song that always transports us back home.  While many Minnesotans may not know that song or the bird that sings it, everybody in the state can appreciate this next bird and hear its voice.

IMG_4252Our Up North trip was off to a great start.  We enjoyed the temps (high of 61° and low of 38°!) as we could hang out in jeans and sweatshirts, and the sights of this state park were simply incredible.  If you are driving up Hwy. 61, you need to pull over at the wayside parking lot and take a short hike to check out the Temperance River gorge.  The power of this river and the rugged geological features are awesome.IMG_4233And then there’s Lake Superior…IMG_4263


Blue Mounds State Park – The Search for a Blue Grosbeak, Last Day

Read Day 2 of Blue Mounds State Park – The Search for a Blue Grosbeak by clicking this link.

Read Day 1 of Blue Mounds State Park – The Search for a Blue Grosbeak by clicking this link.

I woke up early on our last day to a strange, unexpected sound – birds singing!  There was no pitter-patter on the roof! I think the change in noise woke Melissa at the same time because she said, “You guys better get out there.”  No kidding. We had to head home in the afternoon.  This was our only chance. It was 6 AM, and I hustled out of bed to wake Evan.  He’s a hard sleeper, but he also recognized this opportunity and readily woke up.  We both quietly put our gear on, careful not to wake Marin.  When just Evan and I go out we can do some serious birding. He’s remarkably hardy for a 6-year-old, willing to go on long walks or out into wet conditions.

As soon as we slipped out the door, we heard a life bird singing in the neighboring camp site.  The sound was that of the Warbling Vireo.  Joel, the birder who put us on to Cliff Swallows, told me the importance of knowing its song in order to find it as it hangs out in the leafy treetops and is hard to see.  He said we should be able to find it in our own yard.  So I studied the song, and that’s what we were hearing this morning.  We looked for maybe a half a minute before giving up.  After all, we were here for a very specific bird and couldn’t waste these precious rain-free minutes on something we could get at home.

We got in the car to make the two-mile drive back to the interpretive center to search for our target.  Almost immediately, the rain started back up.  Ugh.  However, it was really light, and the birds were still singing everywhere.  We didn’t hear much the day before. Apparently they’d had enough too and were going to resume their normal behaviors in spite of the rain.  Good.

Evan and I poked around the interpretive center on the Bur Oak Trail for all of five minutes when he started complaining of hunger. Searching for this bird was full of starts and stops.  Rather than going back to the camper and risking waking Marin, we made the short drive to Luverne to grab some McDonald’s.  Twenty minutes later we were back in the same spot hunting for the bird.  There was bird activity this morning – Northern Cardinal, Brown Thrasher, Western Meadowlarks, Tree Swallows, Mourning Doves – but no Blue Grosbeak.

We walked back to the car to give up.  After all, it was raining.  I had a tough time letting go, though. The top of the mound where the prairie meets the the oak woods was beckoning me.  I’ve read that these grosbeaks like this type of edge.  Evan was tired and wet, but he agreed to go up the grassy mound with me.  Once on the prairie, we followed a trail that hugged that edge of the oak woods.  There were several trail junctions that would take us either back out onto the prairie mound or back into the woods.  I let Evan pick our path a couple different times. He chose one that wound through the oak/prairie edge and reconnected with the Bur Oak Trail in the woods.

As we walked we heard a very loud bird song from a nearby oak tree.  Was it?  I’ve mentioned before that my ability to remember anything involving sound is really bad, and we didn’t have the iPod along.  I asked Evan if he thought it was the Blue Grosbeak.  He told me he thought it was.  We couldn’t find it though, and I was not sure that we were actually hearing our target bird.  Finally Evan had enough and wanted to go back to the camper.  We turned around to go back, but this mystery bird kept singing.  It was close. I just couldn’t give up. Not now, not when we had a good lead.  I told him I just wanted to walk the trail a little longer until we reached a certain rock outcropping a hundred feet away.  Evan stayed put while I searched.  Once at the rock, I could tell that the bird was somewhere in the large oak right by the path.  But I couldn’t find the source of the sound.

Eventually I gave up and started to head back.  But the bird kept singing.  I decided to make one more concentrated look from a different vantage point.  I would wait for each time the bird sang to try to hone in on its location.  Then, somehow, I spotted the singing bird at the very top of this oak tree nestled among the large and plentiful leaves.  Were we right about this being the Blue Grosbeak? It seemed odd that it would be so high; I’ve read they are mostly in shrubby vegetation close to the ground. I pulled up the binoculars. I could hardly believe it.  I was looking at the very image that had been taunting us all weekend  – a dark blue bird, rusty wing patch, and a chunky bill.  The Blue Grosbeak!  I pointed it out to Evan and then started snapping away with my camera.  Not only did we find our bird, but at this particular moment there was no rain.IMG_3933

The thrill of victory was incredible.  We got our target.  What made it even better was that we got it through hard work and not just luck.  Our studying and visiting led us to the right vicinity, and learning the bird’s song is what ultimately led us to success this morning.  It was also a team effort.  Evan’s confidence that we were hearing the Blue Grosbeak and my persistent searching helped us meet our goal.  Wow.

This male was busy singing away as he’d been doing all throughout our search.  He was 30-40 feet up and was not bothered by our presence, so I was able to get closer and change vantage points.

IMG_3951 IMG_3947

Here you can see him doing what helped us find him.

IMG_3950I figured 20+ pictures was enough to get a decent image or two, so we decided to go back to the camper for real.  As we walked out, Evan said, “Dad?”

“Yes, Evan.”

“I want to go buy that key chain now.”

I couldn’t help but smile.  “You bet, Evan.” As I write this post while drinking my cup of coffee, I regret not getting myself that mug to remember this day.  Next trip to Blue Mounds.

We were feeling good.  We got back to the campsite and were greeted with pancakes and bacon!  Nice!  Not only were we flying high on our victory and good food, but the rain had quit!  Everyone’s mood improved greatly.  Melissa was able to get out for a run, and the kids and I went for a hike.  We left the dirty dishes; we didn’t know when the rain would start up again.

We didn’t see much new on this hike.  Well, Melissa did.  She saw a lot of the park as she ran much further than she intended.  Good scenery and not knowing the trails led her to a six-mile run/walk!  I got a chance to photograph some of the park’s scenery, and Evan finally got a chance to ride his bike.

IMG_3963IMG_3970IMG_3958IMG_3967Once we all got back to the campsite, it was time to pack up.  As the morning went along, the day turned out to be quite nice.  We even saw the sun for awhile.  One of our stops on the way out the park was the interpretive center.  Melissa hadn’t seen it yet, and I needed to report our Blue Grosbeak sighting for other interested birders.

IMG_3974 IMG_3978It was so nice to finally enjoy the sights of the park.  Hopefully next time we can do more exploring by hiking.IMG_3997IMG_3981IMG_3994IMG_3987 IMG_3986IMG_3998

IMG_3999IMG_4002 IMG_4003 IMG_3988

After we left the park, we took a quick drive into Iowa for no other reason than to cross the border and give the kids a new state.  Everybody was feeling good about how this trip ended after enduring nearly 36 hours of steady rain.  Good bye, Blue Mounds. Thanks for the memories, both good and bad.  We will definitely come back for more.

Blue Mounds State Park – The Search for a Blue Grosbeak, Day 2

Read Day 1 of Blue Mounds State Park – The Search for a Blue Grosbeak by clicking this link.

Friday night I debated setting an alarm to make sure we got out early before the rain came.  I don’t know if I was optimistic I’d wake up early on my own or if I was just lazy, but I didn’t set it. The next morning I woke up to a sickening sound – pitter patter pitter patter.  I cursed myself for sleeping in and missing our window.  It turns out I did wake up early after all; the rain decided to come ahead of schedule.  Darn it. Now what?

Eventually we were all awake trying to make sense of the day ahead.  Normal tasks, like going to the restroom or cooking food, were now very difficult since they required going out into the wetness and returning with water and debris.  While Melissa and I tried to keep the camper somewhat clean and livable, the kids entertained themselves by wrestling each other on their bed.  Time and cramped space got the best of us, though. It didn’t take long for the whining and fits to start.  The kids even joined in.  Finally I took the kids for a birding drive around the park which would end with a stop at the park’s interpretive center.  My purposes were twofold: 1) The kids needed something to do.  2) The park ranger told us the previous evening that someone had found three pairs of Blue Grosbeaks last week right by the interpretive center at the start of the Bur Oak Trail.  It was worth a shot.

It was a good soaking rain.  There was no let-up at all.  The bird activity was extremely minimal.  We didn’t even come close to seeing the numbers or variety we saw on our quick outing the previous evening.  I did manage to get a picture of a very wet, angry-looking Bobolink.  I wouldn’t want to be a bird on this day either.


We eventually wound up at the interpretive center which is over two miles from the campground and park office. It is located at the southern edge of the park along a rocky bluff.  This center is built right into the hillside and used to be someone’s house in the 1960s.


It was really cool inside.  Most impressive was the rock cliff that made up the center’s back wall.  It contained a fireplace with a roaring fire which felt so good on this day, and the bathrooms each had about a 15-foot rock cliff that made up one wall.  Besides the architecture, there was a full-size mounted bison that the kids loved. Additionally there were animal pelts on display, including a huge bison hide.  The bird taxidermy on display taunted us, especially since one was a life bird that was a secondary target for this trip – the Dickcissel, which is the small bird with the yellow chest and black bib on the left.


The kids looked through magnifying glasses at pinned butterflies, snake skins, and animal skulls while I chatted with the attendant about Blue Grosbeaks.  She explained they were literally seen from the paved path you see in the picture of the interpretive center shown above.  We saw no sign of them on our walk from the parking lot.  Not a flutter, not a noise.

On our way out we again carefully looked around this path for our target bird. No luck. We headed back to the camper for more wrestling and restlessness.  Once again the confines of the camper got to us.  We were all going crazy and getting crabby with each other. It was time for another trip.  This time Melissa came with us to see this amazing interpretive center for herself.  As we pulled into the parking lot and looked at the 100 yard walk to the center, the rain intensified.  Instead of ducking and running to the center, we kept driving and decided to take a quick trip into Luverne which was only a couple miles away to look for ponchos.  We weren’t going to let some rain determine how this trip was going to go.

Although we found a Shopko in Luverne, they did not have adequate nor enough ponchos for our family.  Shoot, Sioux Falls wasn’t more than a half hour away.  It’s a big city, so there had to be Wal-Marts and Targets everywhere.  Before we knew it, we were headed west. We’d be back to the park within an hour.  Or so we thought.  We didn’t recall how spread-out Sioux Falls was, nor did we know that a discount store would be so hard to find in this town.  After much searching we finally found a Target. Unfortunately nearly all of South Dakota’s population lives in this town, and they were all out and about buying all the ponchos.  We couldn’t find one.  Our search eventually landed us at a Wal-Mart.  Same story, except Marin got one.  I should say Melissa bought one for Marin while I weathered a different storm in the car – Marin was throwing a mega fit as she refused to go to the bathroom.

After battling horrendous traffic, stores crawling with people, and Marin’s temper-tantrums, we finally found a Scheel’s. If these people didn’t have rain gear, no one did. And if they didn’t, we were so on edge that we might have mugged some SoDak for his poncho. Thankfully it didn’t come to that.  Scheel’s had what we needed.

I couldn’t get out of Sioux Falls fast enough.  South Dakota wasn’t supposed to be people crazy like this.  Our trip wasn’t supposed to involve retail stores – at all.  On top of it all, the hope of finding our Blue Grosbeak was dwindling faster than a campfire in this never-ending rain. Four hours after our decision to head to SD, we were back at the camper.  Evan’s awareness of geography is growing, so at least he got a new state out of this snafu.

With new gear donned, the kids and I poked around the Interpretive Center one more time to find our bird.  Despite the poncho, Marin quickly grew unhappy, so we headed back to the camper after just a couple minutes.  The kids played, wrestled, and watched movies to entertain themselves. Every so often we’d go on a birding drive around the park.  We were desperate.  One of these drives was just Evan and me.  He’d been asking to go to the park store for some time.  At the store we picked up two small stuffed Bison and a Blue Mounds patch for Evan’s back-pack.  The Blue Grosbeak keychains and mugs taunted us.  While there, the ranger said the rain was supposed to subside by noon tomorrow. A glimmer of hope.

On this last drive of the day, I noticed something yellow in a bush through the fat drops of water on my driver-side window.  It couldn’t be a bird as it was absolutely motionless. It must be part of the bush.  I rolled down my window and pulled up the binoculars.  I couldn’t believe it.  I was not looking at a plant, but rather the bright yellow chest and black bib of the Dickcissel! This was an exciting life bird that made this ugly day a little brighter. I only got one bad photo of his bad side before this guy flew deep into the bush to try to keep dry.  This bird was a secondary target for us at this park.  We knew we could get the Dickcissel in our area, so it wasn’t as urgent.  Nevertheless, it was fun to check this one off.

IMG_3932The relief in mood was only temporary.  The forecast was for solid rain all night and all day tomorrow (the ranger was wrong about it ending at noon).  It’s one thing to not find our target bird, but it’s entirely different to not even be able to adequately search for it.  Besides that, this park was gorgeous, and everything in it was screaming to be explored and photographed if only the weather would cooperate.

As I laid in bed that night listening to the incessant pitter-patter, I tried to scheme up a way I could bring Melissa back home on Sunday so she could work on Monday while the kids and I returned for another night or two of camping and exploring.  It was craziness, I know.  But the sunny and beautiful forecast for every day in the coming week and those darn key chains were teasing me.  It was the only hope I had as I drifted off to sleep even as the condensation from a buttoned-up camper now literally created rain inside and splattered my face.

Read Day 3, Last Day, of Blue Mounds State Park – The Search for a Blue Grosbeak by clicking this link.

Blue Mounds State Park – The Search for a Blue Grosbeak, Day 1

IMG_3957After a long winter and a cold spring, we had been itching to get out camping.  With a prolonged school year from snow days and with other planned family events, June was filling up fast.  We decided we had to get out this past weekend or it would be July before we were pulling our pop-up down the road. Our first destination of the summer was Blue Mounds State Park located in the very southwestern county of Minnesota only about a fifteen minute drive from both South Dakota and Iowa.  Blue Mounds is a very unique park.  This huge mounded prairie whose elevation is much higher than the surrounding landscape is dotted with rocky outcroppings, prickly-pear cacti, and the resident bison herd.  This large mound ends abruptly on one side with a narrow oak woods and a sheer rocky cliff.  It is hard to believe that this is still Minnesota.

While we eager to enjoy the unique beauty of this place, we were headed there for a very specific reason: the Blue Grosbeak. This bird isn’t just another plain bird to add to the life list – with its deep blue plumage and rusty wing patch, it is a beautiful bird, a prize to be found.  The Blue Grosbeak is mostly a southern bird, but it is a rare regular resident to Blue Mounds State Park.  While the bird has shown up in other Minnesota counties, Blue Mounds is the most reliable place to find one.  Minnesota birders know this and travel there for that one reason.  This fact is an advertised highlight of the park.  It is so much so that the park’s gift shop has key chains, magnets, and mugs adorned with the Blue Grosbeak’s image.

The forecast for Saturday and Sunday was bleak – a good chance of rain both days. But, there was always a chance that forecast would be wrong or that there would be a break in the rain to get out and do some birding.  Friday was a beautiful sunny day, but we couldn’t hit the road until late in the afternoon because Melissa and Evan had their last day of school to finish.  Besides that, my vehicle was getting detailed that day and wouldn’t be done until 4:00 – there was a lot of dirt and grime to clean up after a winter and spring of bombing down gravel roads searching for birds.

By 4:30 or so, we were finally on the road.  I was anxious to get there before dark to get some birding in because I knew the next day or two could be bad.Blue Mounds bound

While en route, Evan was busy checking out birds on the National Audubon Society bird app on his iPod.  I had him play the Blue Grosbeak’s song about a dozen times so we’d be familiar with it.  I’m learning that birding by ear is critical to finding target birds when all the trees are leafed out.  This is tough for me as I’ve discovered I’m not an auditory learner. Evan is much better at it than me. A lot of the birds songs blur together for me, especially when Evan played the songs of several different species we needed.  Hopefully, though, this repeat play of the Blue Grosbeak’s song would help it stick in our minds in case we heard it.

It was a fairly long trip to that corner of the state.  We finally made it into the park by around 7:30.  Then we had to get the camper popped up and set up camp.  By the time that was done we only had about a half hour of daylight to find some birds.  There would be no hiking tonight; we’d have to settle for driving the park’s only short road.  It didn’t take long to realize that this park was a great destination for birds and birders.  We had a beautiful male Orchard Oriole fly across the road and into the shrubs off to the side. Then I heard a familiar bird sound that belonged to a bird Evan needed for his life list – the buzz of the Common Nighthawk.  They were everywhere.

IMG_3911We drove by one of the lakes on the park and found Cedar Waxwings, Eastern Kingbirds, Baltimore Orioles, and an unidentified Cuckoo.  We need both the Black-billed Cuckoo and Yellow-billed Cuckoo for our life lists, but we weren’t able to determine which this one was.

We stopped by the swimming beach to throw rocks and look for birds.  This has been a common pairing of activities this spring/summer.  There was a small flock of fast moving birds skimming back-and-forth over the water’s surface.  It was the Black Tern, a life bird for both of us.  Excuse the photo – it was near dark, and these birds were cruising!


Two life birds for Evan was nothing to sneeze at, but neither was our primary target.
We were pinning our hopes on getting out early the next morning to hunt for the Blue Grosbeak since the rain wasn’t supposed to start until 9:00 or so.  In the meantime, though, we enjoyed a nice campfire on a gorgeous night.

Blue Mounds Campfire

Read Day 2 of Blue Mounds State Park – The Search for a Blue Grosbeak by clicking this link.

Read Day 3, Last Day, of Blue Mounds State Park – The Search for a Blue Grosbeak by clicking this link.

An Outing to Sibley State Park

Today Evan and I fed our birding habit by attending a bird feeding seminar at nearby Sibley State Park. Since there aren’t as many species around in the winter as there are in the summer and since it’s hard to get out birding, we thought it would be a good idea to take in this seminar to see what we could do to enhance our birdwatching from the comfort of our own home.  The great thing about Minnesota’s state parks is that they have all kinds of programs througout the year. All of these activities are placed on one calendar at the DNR’s website. (Click here to access it.) The cool thing about this calendar is that Evan and I can see what birding programs are offered at any of our Minnesota’s 67 state parks.

Sibley State Park was alive and well today as people took advantage of this beautiful, sunny day by skiing, sledding, or staying in one of the park’s camper-cabins. Not many people, however, attended the bird-feeding seminar at the park’s interpretive center. It was Evan and me and one other family group.  That was fine with us.  The park naturalist, Dick, gave about an hour long presentation on winter birds, their habits, and how best to feed them.  At the beginning of his slideshow he would put a bird picture on the screen and ask if anyone knew the name.  Of course we knew them, but Evan can be quite shy and therefore wasn’t answering Dick.  After a nudge or two from his dad, he finally started identifying every bird correctly.  Later on I was visiting with Dick who commented on how remarkable it was that someone Evan’s age knew so many bird species.  He told me most adults he runs into can’t identify birds that they see.

Rather than giving you a complete summary of Dick’s talk, I thought I’d share with you my exit slip from his talk.  In the education world, an exit slip is a person’s own take-aways from a lesson.  It contains the information the student found most important.

  • Minnesota has 400+ bird species; 206 have been found at Sibley
  • Only 44 bird species show up at feeders in MN in the winter; only 12-15 show up in our area (That’s a bummer because I think we’ve had them all already and can’t really expect many new ones, but at the same time it’s cool that we are seeing all that we can.)
  • Bird feeders should be placed on the south or east side of your house
  • Black-oiled sunflower seeds are the only kind of seed you really need, though some species do like milo, cracked corn, and thistle
  • There are more thistle-feeding birds in the winter than in the summer (Goldfinches stick around, though they are more greenish than bright yellow)
  • Birds are attracted to water, and there are plug-in, winter water features available for purchase (we will probably buy one this week)
  • All four niches of bird feeders should be used to maximize your birdwatching experience: tabletop feeders, hanging feeders (suet and thistle), tree-trunk suet feeders, and seeds on the ground
To see some of our bird feeding success this winter, check out an earlier post called Couch Potato Birding.