Going off on a Tangent–er, Tanager Hunt

No, this is not Evan’s nemesis–the final AZ piece will be out soon. Until then, here’s a distraction.  Life is full of distractions.  Some of those distractions happen to be of the Tanager variety.  They are worth the time they steal–

Western Tanager

–because there are never enough Western Tanagers on this blog;

Western Tanager

–because my Minnesota list included precisely 0 WETA.


Today I remedied one of those problems.

Western Tanager

Lots of fun stuff will be coming at you on this blog in the upcoming weeks. In addition to putting the lid on Arizona, Evan and I recently went on the most important and rewarding birding expedition we’ve ever done or will ever do.  The post from our Montana adventure of a lifetime will be the pinnacle post of this blog.